Class 1 Home Learning Activities Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning. Today’s tasks are as follows:

Reception: Phonics, th ng on purple mash. Computing on purple mash ‘Left third finger words’.

For maths, with a welly boot (or something similar) can you collect a group of objects that are taller and a group of objects that are shorter. Draw these objects in your 2 groups in your home learning book.

For English can you write at least 3 sentences about the story you read yesterday (Going to the Park).

I would love to see a photo of your work.

Year 1: Phonics, aw ew on purple mash. Computing on purple mash ‘Left third finger words’.

For maths, can you select a toy a place it in your balance scales. Then, using duplo bricks (or something that you have lots of i.e spoons same size pots, nail vanishes!) can you see how many it takes to be the same weight i.e balance the scales. Draw the object in your Home book and label how heavy it was (e.g. Unicorn =10 bricks.) Next can you find and object that is lighter than that toy and an item that is heavier. Record again on your home book what the object was and how many bricks it weighed.

For English: In your home learning books Can you write a story ending for the story ‘Going to the park’ What happens to Liam and his mum in the end? Does mum ever get to the front of the queue and what are their ice creams like? What do they do after that? Don’t forget, think carefully about using neat writing and full stops and capital letters correctly.

I would love to see a photo of your work.

Year 2: Phonics, on purple mash alternative spellings er ea ou. Computing on purple mash ‘Left third finger words’

For maths, complete the weight measuring sheet below (click on blue link). You can print it out or simply record the answers in your home learning book if you are unable to print.

I would love to see a photo of your work.

Measuring weight in g

For English: On purple mash there are some questions and a joining words activity to do on chapter 1 of ‘Ned and the Detective’