Wednesday 29/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone!! Unfortunately the weather isn’t as good as it has been but hopefully these activities will keep you busy.


I would like you to make me a postcard. On a piece of paper draw a picture – it could be you at the beach or  you at home – anywhere you want it to be. On the other side write to me to tell me what you have been doing. You could tell Mummy or Daddy what you want to say and then they write it or you could do some mark making / writing yourself and then tell tell them what you have written.


I hope you enjoyed the phonics session on Class Dojo yesterday. Today’s session is on Phonics Play and is ‘Super Smoothie’. This session is more suitable for the Nursery leavers but we have used it with younger ones and they enjoy it – particularly the hippo at the end!

Username: march20
Password: home

Follow this link:



Have a go at some more Makaton. Today’s sign is ‘bucket and spade’.


Why not watch an episode of Something Special afterwards – they are at the beach:



Remember it is still as important to keep moving! Try dancing with Darcey Bussell’s team on Facebook. Their page is DDMIX and they are live at 1:30PM for a daily shake up!


Have a lovely day!
