Thursday 14/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone – it looks like the sun is back!


Here are today’s suggested home learning activities.


As it is World Baking Day on Sunday I would like you to have a look in some different recipe books and find the types of cakes that you like. When you have found one that you like draw a picture in your purple sketch book. Is your drawing exactly the same as the one that you have found in the book, or would you have different fruit or different coloured icing? To further extend this can you copy the words of some of the ingredients that you would need for the cake?


For phonics today please try the following activity: Roly poly:

Rehearse the rhyme with the actions (rotating hand over hand as in the song ‘Wind the
bobbin up’).

Ro … ly … po … ly … ever … so … slowly
Ro … ly … poly faster. (Increase the speed of the action as you increase the speed of the rhyme.)
Now add in new verses, such as:
Stamp … your … feet … ever … so … slowly
Stamp … your feet faster.

Ask the children to suggest sounds and movements to be incorporated into the song.
Say hello ever so quietly


As it is sunny today go outside and enjoy it. Maybe you could have some races? OR just put some music on and dance!


Have a lovely day and don’t forget to send me photos, Leanne.