Wednesday 24/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning, we’re half way through the week already!


Here are today’s activities:

Ask a grown up to do this activity with you. Your grown up will need to blindfold you. Once blindfolded they should give you instructions such as take one step forward / take two steps back. See where you end up! Then, swap around and you should give your grown up some instructions. Where will you send them?!



Now draw around your hands and then cut them out. Colour one of them in and then colour in the other one for a friend – which friend would you do it for? See if a grown up can help you write their name and then send a photo through Class Dojo.



For phonics today: We have done this activity before but repetition is very important in developing children’s phonics skills.

Enlivening stories: Involve the children in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated sounds, for example acting out:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).


I hope you enjoy the activities.

Have a lovely day, Leanne.