Class 3 home learning 19.1.21

Good morning Class 3! I hope you are all keeping well!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Today is a consolidation lesson on the work you have done on fractions so far!

Here is today’s worksheet: Add and Subtract Fractions

Then check and mark your answers: Answer Sheet


At this point in your writing careers you will be aware of show and not tell when writing a story..

Here is a quick reminder of the differences:

Showing: As his mother switched off the light and left the room, Michael tensed. He huddled under the covers, gripped the sheets, and held his breath as the wind brushed past the curtain.

Telling: Michael was terribly afraid of the dark.

See if you can plan and write a short story that has the golden-wheel spider and the pompelid wasp as the main characters. Use a range of figurative devices such as simile, metaphor and personification to help you achieve writing that uses Show Don’t Tell. I can’t wait to read them and we will discuss your stories in today’s teams meeting!


We will be continuing with our topic of video editing! Here is today’s online lesson and the accompanying worksheet is here: Identifying Devices


Continuing with your pizza project, today I would like you to do some research. Use the internet to find out what the most popular pizza toppings are in: England, Europe and the world. Once you have found and recorded your research. You will conduct your own research by asking your families and friends what their  favourite pizza toppings are! You should record your findings in a table and then add your findings to your powerpoint /poster/hand drawn presentation that you started last week!

I look forward to seeing you at 2pm during our teams meeting (please don’t forget)!

Email me if you have any questions!