Class 3 home learning 8.2.21

Good morning Class 3! Welcome to a brand new week of home learning!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends! I’ve challenged all of you on rockslam so see if you can beat my score (shouldn’t be too difficult for you)!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Understand thousandths

Check your answers using the answer sheet


This week you will be learning about modal verbs and the impact they have on your writing! Click here for today’s lesson! Complete the whiteboard challenges followed by this worksheet: Arctic-wolf-modal-verbs-worksheet-1

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Your new spellings have been uploaded so please start practising them!


In today’s Science lesson you will be learning how humans digest food! Please complete the quiz and the worksheet: Science worksheet


Option 1: Football sports conditioning session

Option 2: Yoga freeze dance game

Option 3: PE with Joe