Class 2 Homework 10.09.21

Hello Class 2,

Here is your first homework for the year!

Please complete these tasks by next Friday (17/09/21).


This week your homework task is on Purple Mash. Log in to Purple mash and complete your 2Dos. The homework is a recap of our learning this week.

All of Class 2, you have a 2Do called Toy shelf to complete.

Year 4, you have an extra 2Do called Past and Present, please complete both 2Dos.


Every week we expect children to practise their times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 2 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.


All of your logins are inside the front cover of your reading diary.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Fed Fest if you are going!

Miss Gray