Class 2 Homework for half term

Hello everyone!


Over the holiday’s I have set you some timetables work and work on poetry.

Each of you have been given a pack of 5 timetables sheets from TTrockstars. These are to be completed over 5 days. Each day you will have 3 minutes to complete as many questions as you can. Please use a calculator or ask an adult to help you mark your timetables.

You can also continue using TTrockstars to practise. However, in class we have began to listen to Mr DeMaio, on YouTube, who has covered some popular songs with timetables. Here is a link to his YouTube channel where you can search the 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. timetable songs. Please explore and listen to timetable songs and see how many you can learn.

I would also like you to create an acrostic poem using the word Remember or Poppy. There is a video about acrostic poems on the last homework page if you would like to remind yourself. These poems don’t have to rhyme, however if you can that would be fantastic. Remember the poems are about the World War and Remembrance Day. Please add a small illustration that goes with your poem. There are some examples below.

Continue to read everyday over the half term.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and stay safe.

Miss Gray