Class 3 homework

The homework this week, is as always:

  • Complete 1 ten minute test in the maths CGP book
  • Complete 1 ten minute test in the english CGP book
  • Practice mulitplication tables on TTRockstars
  • Read daily at home and record what you have read in your reading record

Please remember to make a note in the CGP books if you have had assistance with any of the questions!


Class 3 homework

Homework this week is as follows:

  • Complete ONE test in the maths CGP book
  • Complete ONE test in the grammar CGP book
  • Practise timetables
  • Practise spellings

It is vital that the children attempt the CGP books independently, if they are receive help on a question please make a note of this next to the question. The idea behind these books is to identify gaps in learning so it’s important I can see the aspects that they don’t understand.

Thank you

Half-term homework

Homework to complete over the half-term:

  • Two, ten minute tests in both the maths and grammar CPG SATS buster books
  • Practice spellings
  • Practice multiplication tables on TTRockstars

Have a lovely half-term! You still have access to purple mash if you would like to play some maths and english games and engage in some more learning!

Miss France

Class 3 weekly homework 8.10.21

This week’s homework is as follows:

  • Ensure Autumn Poem 2do is completed on purplemash
  • Practice weekly spellings
  • Practice multiplication tables on TTrockstars
  • Read at home and record what you have read in your reading record

The homework is due in on Friday the 15th of October. If it is not completed I will ask that it is done during break time and  reading at home should be completed at least 3 times a week. Every day if possible!