Class 3 home learning 15.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Well done on making it to Friday! What an amazing week, you’ve produced some brilliant work and you should all be very proud of how well you have adapted to this new way of learning! GO YOU!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

We are continuing with adding fractions today: Adding fractions

Check your answers once you have finished: Answers


Please complete this football themed reading comprehension, it’s a little longer than last weeks, but has a lot of statistics and charts! FA Cup Reading Comprehension

Please check through your answers (with an adult if there’s one available). Comprehension answers

Have a look at this as a quick reminder before attempting today’s 2do on purple mash which is all about subordinate clauses! Subordinate Clauses Poster


Start practising your new spellings in preparation for next week’s test! Don’t forget to learn the meanings 🙂 Week 2 Spellings


Not very many of you completed last week’s French lessons. Please log on to your duolingo and work through the lessons I have assigned you.


It’s Friday which means it a PE with Joe day!

Complete your 2do’s on purple mash and then you are done for the week!

Have a great weekend and stay active! Take lots of pictures of the different stuff you get up to. Whether it’s cooking, creating some art, watching your favourite movie or playing your favourite game! Share what you get up to!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning 14.1.21

Good morning Class 3!


Start off with some good old TT rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Now try and beat your time on the 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet! Really pleased to see you’re getting faster and faster!

Here is today’s worksheet: Add and subtract fractions

Check your answers using the answer sheet. It’s important that you correct any answers you get wrong by re-attempting them. Not just writing the correct answer in.


Today I would like you to further research the banded mongoose and create an information poster. I would like this poster to be A4 in size and completely covered in facts and information. I’d like you to really think about presentation. If you’re typing your poster, think about having different text boxes for different types of facts. Also, think about a background, images, title, subheading, descriptive language and bullet points. I’m looking forward to seeing them!


Just a little reminder to make sure you’re practising your spellings and reading on fiction express!


Click here for today’s RE lesson. Please add your new knowledge to your power-point presentation.


Today’s charanga lesson is looking at music from all around the world!

Once you have completed today’s lessons, log on to purple mash and complete your 2do’s!

Please send me evidence of your work at the end of the day and any extra pictures of things you’ve been getting up to at home!

Have a great day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning 13.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Welcome to a brand new day! Don’t forget to email me before you start your home learning as a register so I can see who is engaging and who might need a little bit more encouragement! So, email me now. Right now. And then return to this post…


Start off with some good old TT rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Now try and beat your time on the 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet! Some of you are now whizzing through those tricky times tables, so well done you!

As usual, watch the video and then complete the worksheet: Fractions worksheet

Then check your answer against the answer sheet: Answers

Please make sure all of your work is going in to your home learning books.


Today you will be learning how to use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information correctly. Similarly to Monday’s lesson, I would like you to work through the challenges on tabs 1, 2 and 3 and then complete the worksheet. Please do not do any writing challenges as these are for tomorrow’s lesson! Click here for today’s lesson! Worksheet: Banded Mongoose – Expanded noun phrases

Reading/spellings: Please continue to practise your spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


In Geography we are studying energy and sustainability. Today’s lesson will teach you exactly what is meant by the term ‘sustainability’.


Joe Wicks is doing another live PE lesson this morning at 9am, or if you’re still a bit sleepy that early you can stream it later on through his youtube channel.

Carry on sending pictures in of things you’ve been getting up to outside of home learning! I’ve been practising yoga at home but it’s quite difficult when Lola thinks it’s play time!

There are lots of yoga classes online if you fancy having a go at home too!

Have a great day and be kind to your loved ones!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning 12.1.21

Good morning Class 3! We have a teams meeting today at 2pm, so please make sure you have accepted my invitation as it won’t be very fun all by myself!


Warm yourselves up on TTrockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then you can try and beat your time on the infamous 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet.

Here is the worksheet for today! Compare and Order Fractions

Check your answers once you’ve finished: Answer Sheet


Following on from yesterday’s lesson, I would like you to write an advert persuading people to come and see the wonder of the headlight beetles! People travel from all over the world to see the Northern Lights, yet no one seems to know or cares about the natural phenomenon that is the headlight beetle. Change their minds! You can type or handwrite this piece of work and we will be discussing and sharing our work in the teams meeting at 2pm!


The new chapters are out on fiction express! Get reading them so you can tell me all about them during our catch up later!


In computing this half term I thought it would be very relevant to look at video editing. I know you all enjoy youtube and some of you enjoy tiktok so this might be just the knowledge you need to start your own online empire! Click here.


Ok, so we BRIEFLY spoke about the DT module in one of our catch up meetings, but to remind you, we are going to be designing and eventually making (and eating!) pizzas! To kick off this exciting topic, I would like you to research the history of pizza.

  1. Where do they originate?
  2. Who was the first pizza chef?
  3. What types of pizzas are traditional?
  4. Which countries eat pizza? How many do they eat a year?
  5. When did pizzas come to the United Kingdom?

I’ve put together this booklet if you have a printer at home, if not don’t worry you can create a powerpoint of your research OR if you do not have access to a powerpoint you can make a fact file either on your computer or hand written! I would like to challenge you all to find me the MOST interesting fact about pizza! We can share our facts in our next teams catch up! Try not to get too hungry in the process! Pizza Project Booklet

Keep practising your spellings and when you’ve finished the work, log in to purple mash and complete your 2do’s!

Don’t forget to send me evidence of your work once you have completed everything!

As always I am here if you need any help or have any questions and I shall speak to you all at 2pm! Have a great day!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning 11.1.21

Good morning Class 3! It’s a new week of home learning! I’m sure you’re all super awake and can’t wait to get started! I hope you had an amazing weekend in the snow. Here’s what I’ve been up to….

So anyway, on to today’s work! I’ve made a timetable for you so you can see which lessons you will be doing each day!

I’ve noticed that some of you are completing the work VERY quickly, this timetable might help you to see the amount of time I am expecting to be put in to each lesson.


Here is your worksheet: Compare and Order Fractions

Check and mark your answers following the answer sheet


Today we will learning how to use commas to clarify meaning. Click here to go the natural curriculum website. Work through the challenges in your home learning books including the whiteboard challenges on tab 3. Then complete the Headlight beetle worksheet. Do not complete the writing challenges on tab 4 as they are tomorrow’s work!

Reading: Please continue to read on fiction express and completing the quizzes. I can see who has been reading and some of you have been reading a lot which is excellent! If you got any exciting new books for Christmas make a start on those too! I’d love to hear about what you’re reading!

Spellings: Please practise your weekly spelling in preparation for our test on Friday. If you’re unsure of any of the meanings, then look them up in a dictionary at home or using


Click here for today’s lesson! Following on from last week’s science lesson, today you will be learning about all of the major bones in your body! Be  sure to complete the quiz that follows and let me know what you scored!


It’s PE with Joe day! Find his live lesson from this morning and get a sweat on!

Don’t forget to send me your work, it’s all looking brilliant so far! Have a great day and email me if you have any questions!

Class 3 home learning 11.1.21

Good morning Class 3! It’s a new week of home learning! I’m sure you’re all super awake and can’t wait to get started!

I’ve made a timetable for you so you can see which lessons you will be doing each day!

I’ve noticed that some of you are completing the work VERY quickly, this timetable might help you to see the amount of time I am expecting to be put in to each lesson.


Here is your worksheet: Compare and Order Fractions

Check and mark your answers following the answer sheet


Today we will learning how to use commas to clarify meaning. Click here to go the natural curriculum website. Work through the challenges in your home learning books including the whiteboard challenges on tab 3. Then complete the Headlight beetle worksheet. Do not complete the writing challenges on tab 4 as they are tomorrow’s work!


Click here for today’s lesson! Following on from last week’s science lesson, today you will be learning about all of the major bones in your body! Be  sure to complete the quiz that follows and let me know what you scored!


It’s PE with Joe day! Find his live lesson from this morning and get a sweat on!

Don’t forget to send me your work, it’s all looking brilliant so far! Have a great day and email me if you have any questions!

Class 3 home learning 8.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Don’t forget about our teams meeting at 10:30 this morning! Here are your lessons for today:


Warm up those big brains on TT Rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then, challenge yourself on the 13 – 24 Times tables sheet!

Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at these questions: Fractions on a number line

Check your answers once you’ve finished: Answer sheet


Complete the ‘box the word’ 2do on purple mash in which you will be converting nouns and adjectives into verbs using suffixes!

When you’ve completed that, here is a reading comprehension for you to do: Planet Earth Comprehension

When you have completed your comprehension, check your answers (No cheating): Planet Earth Answers

Spellings: Here are your new spellings which I will test you on next Friday! Week 1 spellings


Our good friend Joe Wicks is delivering a live PE lesson at 9am today but if that’s too early for you, you can stream it on youtube whenever you like!


We’re going to do some revision on greeting in French today, so log in to your duolingo account and complete the 4 lessons I have assigned you.

Please continue to read on fiction express and complete the 2do’s on purple mash once you have completed these lessons!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at 10:30!

Have a great day of learning and fab weekend!

Miss France

Letter to Class 3 from the House of Commons

Last year children in Class 3 learnt about the horror of shark fin trade across the world. They felt compelled to write to their local MP to help try and rectify things and see what the government were going to do about it!

Their letters obviously had a great impact as I received a reply from MP Owen Patterson today!

Class 3 home learning 7.1.21

Good morning Class 3! You made it through y our first day of home learning, go you!


Please continue practising TTrockstars, this daily practise will help across all of your maths work, even if you think you don’t need it!

Have another go at this: 13 – 24 Times tables See if you can beat yesterday’s score! Keep a note of your scores so you can see the progress you are making!

Today’s white rose is on improper fractions, here the video to watch first:

Once you’ve watch the video have a go at these questions: Improper fractions worksheet

When you’ve completed the worksheet it is time to check your answers, please be honest and mark your work accurately: Answer sheet


Following on from yesterday’s plan, I would like you to write the first draft of your Christmas recount. I don’t mind if you want to type this up and send it to me attached to an email or write it by hand and send me a photo of it. Both are completely fine. Please ensure you are using:

  1. High-level vocabulary
  2. Paragraphs
  3. Conjunctions to link sentences
  4. Figurative language

I’m looking forward to reading them!


Please read on fiction express everyday and complete the quizzes as you go!


In RE this term, we are going to be learning about Islam. Islam is a beautiful and widely practised religion, so it’s important for us to understand! Here is your lesson for today. Using the information you learn in today’s RE lesson, I would like you to begin making a powerpoint presentation about Islam. Each week you will add more information to your powerpoint presentation as you continue to learn about Islam.


Please log on to charanga yumu and complete the first lesson I have sent you based on Three Little Birds by Bob Marley! (Shut the door is you have adults/siblings working from home, you wouldn’t want to disturb them).

As always, please contact me if you have any questions!

Have a great day!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning 6.1.21

Good morning class 3! Welcome to day 1 of home learning! Before you start, I would like everyone to send me an email via your outlook accounts. If you haven’t responded to the teams meeting invitation please do so!


To begin with I have attached everyone’s favourite multiplication tables challenge, if you can print it off; great, if not don’t worry, just have a go on a piece of paper! Don’t forget to set a timer for 5 minutes!

13 – 24 Times tables

Can you also challenge a friend on times table rockstars?

Once you’ve done that, I would like you to watch this video on how to simplify fractions:

Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at this worksheet: Simplify fractions

When and ONLY when you’ve finished, check your work using the answer sheet: Answers


Tomorrow you will be writing a recount of what you got up to over Christmas! For today’s lesson I would like you to plan and remind yourself using the mind map sheet. Please focus on interesting adjectives and plan which cohesive devices you would like to include.

Reading: Please read a chapter on fiction express and complete the following quiz!


In science we are going to be studying the human body, today’s first lesson is looking at the human organs and understand why we need them. Click here to go to the lesson.


Luckily for you, Joe Wicks is doing PE lessons again! Thanks Joe! His lessons are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday just click here to go to Joe’s youtube page.

Once you’ve completed these lessons you can practise your weekly spellings and log on to purple mash and complete your weekly 2do’s. Spellings will be tested every Friday in a live teams meeting!

Please send photographs of you work to me directly either via email or class dojo, alternatively you can upload your work to your ‘portfolio’ on classdojo if you prefer. It is important that we stay motivated and try our best even when working from home!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! See you on teams at 11:30am!

Miss France