Class 3 Teams Meeting Catch up

Hello Class 3! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and a happy new year!

Before we kick off with home learning, I wanted to have a chat with you about what you’ve been up to and what you’re expected to do over the next coming weeks!

So you’re first task, is to log in to your emails and find the invitation I have sent you to a meeting on microsoft teams. If you have downloaded the microsoft teams app; great, if not do not worry it still works through the web page.

It’s really important that everyone attends the video meeting as I will be explaining what you will be doing over the coming weeks.

Tomorrow’s work will be live at 8:30am, please make a start on the work prior to our meeting and feedback to me if  you’re struggling to access or do anything!

As always, please message me via class dojo or send me an email if you have any questions!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hi Class 3! Sorry for the delay in posting, I was experiencing some technical difficulties with the website!

Here’s your homework for this week, due in on Friday the 4th of December:

  • Practice spellings Weekly Spellings Sheet – cial
  • Complete 2do’s on purple mash
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete quiz
  • Continue working through duolingo

Thanks everyone!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello Class 3! We’ve hit the ground running this week!

Your homework this week is due in on Friday the 13th and is as follows:

  • Complete the next module on duolingo.
  • Practice weekly spellings: Week 2 Autumn 2
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete a quiz.
  • Complete purple mash activities.

Thank you for a brilliant forest school session this afternoon, lots of den building, problem solving and general fun!


Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that the sponsor money for readathon is due in this week! The children have all been telling me how much they’ve been reading in order to raise money for readathon which is amazing!

If you would rather make your donation online you can do so via the readathon website by clicking on the ‘sponsor a pupil’ tab at the top of the page:

If you would like to know more about readathon and the brilliant work they do, this page on their website is very useful:

Thank you for all your support!

Miss France