Class 1 Home Learning Activities for Monday 20th April.

Good morning everyone and welcome back to home learning! We hope you’re all keeping safe and well and have had a lovely Easter holiday.

Today’s tasks are:

Reception: Phonics activity ch and sh, Computing activity on 2 type, Going to the park story and activities. For maths please go to ‘MiniMash’ click on ‘Numbers and counting (image of block building)’ Select ‘Measurement’ and click on the activity ‘Find the tallest’.

Year 1: Phonics activity ir and ue, Computing activity on 2 type, Maths activity make a balance scale, Going to the park story and activities.

Year 2: Phonics, activity for alternative spelling ow, ie, ou, Computing activity on 2type, Read chapter 1 of Ned and the Detectives on Purple Mash. For maths please can you select at least 6 items and weigh them in grams (Hopefully you have some kitchen scales). Draw the items in your home workbook in order of their weight from lightest to heaviest. Label their weights and give your work a title.


Easter Learning Task

Dear Class One

I hope you are planning on having a lovely Easter holiday – please don’t eat too many chocolate eggs or I will be very jealous!  I’ve found some lovely activities over on Purple Mash based around Easter that I thought you might want to have a go at over the next two weeks.  If you can’t get on there, I’ll list them below for you.

Reception – draw and paint a Simnel cake. Draw and decorate an Easter egg (could be 2-D or 3-D if you’re feeling adventurous). Do you know why we have eggs at Easter?  Make an Easter hat. Find out about the Easter story.

Years One and Two – write a letter to me about the Easter Story.  Write an acrostic poem using the word EASTER.  Find out about different Easter traditions.  You could also do the art tasks set for Reception too.

If you have an Easter egg hunt in your garden, or make anything creative, please pop a photo onto Class Dojo for us to see so that we can share your activities.  But not too many photos of you eating chocolate eggs please.

Have a lovely holiday.

Home learning tasks – 03.04.20

Good morning.  It’s our last day of term today!  Below are today’s activities over on Purple Mash and I will be setting you a topic based project later on today, to do over Easter if you need something to keep you amused!

Topic – please do the final activity that was set earlier this week.

English – Can everyone please describe Spring for me.

Maths – Reception are looking at symmetry.

Year one and two – more money activities but these are different to the others you have been set!

Home learning tasks – 02.04.20

Good morning.  I hope you are having an enjoyable week so far?  All activities are on Purple Mash for you to complete but please say if you are having any problems.

English – Reception – tell me about growing plants.

Year one and two please complete all about Germination after planting your seed.

Maths –  Reception please complete Star for me.

Year One and Two I have set more money activities similar to those you did on Wednesday but they are not the same!!!

Topic – choose one of the activities I set you on Wednesday to do please.

Home learning tasks 01/04/20

Good morning Class One.  I hope you’ve been having an enjoyable week.  This week for Topic I thought I would set you three tasks to do from your yellow book:

Make a 3-D garden based on your design from last week.

Keep a plant diary – there is a template for this on Purple Mash which I will send you or you could keep your own diary version in your yellow book.  Let me know how your seed is progressing.

Do the Rainbow alphabet based on fruit and vegetables.  Can you find 26 different ones?

The rest of your work for today is on Purple Mash.  I know some of you have been struggling to get on there so complete a task from your home learning pack instead. Remember to keep your reading and exercise up, have you been working out with Joe Wicks?

Have a lovely day and don’t forget to message me on Class Dojo if you have any questions or want to show me your work.

class one home learning 27/03/20

Good morning! I hope you have had a lovely week, we’re almost at the end of week one at home now and I hope you have enjoyed being outside and learning that way as much as being inside and doing the tasks set online? Purple Mash has now been put into groups so you should find it easier to see what I have set you from today.  As always I am on class dojo if you want to message me with any issues that crop up.  Today’s tasks are on Purple Mash for English and Maths and are as follows:

Reception – Paint a butterfly for English, triangular things for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

Year One – Life cycle of a butterfly for English, one more/one less for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

Year Two – Life cycle of a butterfly leaflet for English, 10/20 frame for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

I’m very excited to see what minibeast creations you come up with, so if you can, please share your photos with me on class dojo to brighten up my day.  Don’t forget to keep reading daily please and to get lots of fresh air and exercise. You can also play any games that you like on Purple Mash too, as well as completing your learning booklets that you brought home with you last week.

Have a lovely weekend x

Home learning 26.03.20

Dear Class One

I hope you have been making the most of the sunshine this week!  I’m still trying to get groups set up onto Purple Mash so for today all work will be assigned to all pupils but please read the info below as to what tasks have been given to your child/children.  Hopefully it will be into groups by next week and therefore be much clearer.

Reception: English – invent own minibeast.  Maths – Paint: basic shapes.  Topic -Minibeast facts.

Year One: English – Minibeast captions.  Maths – addition and subtraction 0-20.  Topic – Minibeast facts.

Year Two: English – Minibeast vocabulary.  Maths – addition and subtraction facts. Topic – Minibeast facts.

You also have your packs to work through and if you fancy some exercise, Joe Wicks is doing a daily workout for children on his youtube channel live every morning at 9am at The Body Coach tv.