12/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!

Let’s warm our fingers up this morning! This is a bit of a silly one but here goes! Find a toy animal and then some wool. Can you wrap the animal up so much that you can’t see it anymore? Then, unwrap it and put it back where you found it!


Now, have a look at your drawing from yesterday. Let’s bring your animal to life! Grab your paints and let’s do a painting of the animal today. What colours do you need?


We’re going to look at number 2 today! Go out for a walk and see where you can find the number 2. Is it on a house or a sign post? How many 2’s can you find? Take some photographs of what you find.

Pop over to Class Dojo’s (stories) for a story and then join me at 11:45am on Microsoft Teams to have a catch up and a phonics activity..




Monday 11/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning. I hope you had a lovely weekend. We’re back for another week. Here are some activities to keep you busy today!

To help develop fine motor skills find some pegs. Now see where you can put these pegs. Can you attach them to a curtain or a carpet, or even your trousers?

Find some books with animals in and see if you can find your favourite animal. Now draw and colour in that animal. I can’t wait to see your pictures!

So, today is a new week so we are going to start looking at numbers. Today we’ll look at number 1. Can you find one piece of fruit? Can you find one cup? Can you find one shoe? Can you find one toy? Now draw the things that you have found.

Check out Class Dojo’s stories for Phonics and a story.


Have a lovely day!


Nursery Home Learning Suggested Activities 8th of January 2021


Good morning everyone!

So, it’s Friday and we have come to the end of the first week of Home Learning. I hope you have enjoyed it so far!

Today’s Flexi Fingers activity (to help develop fine motor skills) is to find some sand or soil (pop it in a tray if you can) and use your finger to make different marks e.g a line or a squiggle. Could you write your name in it too?

Follow this link to learn this song ‘My Dog Ben’

588cb3d9-c9f6-2ac5-d846-ec82625744df (rspca.org.uk) 

Today, let’s look at shape. Can you find any objects that are a circle? Take some photos or draw some. I would love to see your drawings!

Take a look on the stories on Class Dojo. There is a follow up phonics video on the sound ‘k’ and a story.

I hope you enjoy them!


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll be back on Monday with some more activities.




Nursery Home Learning Suggested activities Thursday 7th of January 2021

Good morning!

Here are your activities for today.

Please see Nursery Class Dojo stories for a story video,  as well as a phonics video where we will be looking at ‘k’.

To help to develop fine motor skills please find any construction toys you have e.g. duplo, lego and see if you can build something. Why not try a tower or a house?

Today for some number work, choose a set of something e.g cars, lego blocks or even some fruit (berries). Now, see how many you have. Can you count them? Are there lots? Or not many? See if you can draw how many there are.

Yesterday you took a photograph of your pet/an animal or bird in your garden. Today can you draw a picture of it. If you have your book, draw it in there.



Nursery Home Learning Suggestions 6th of January 2021

Good Morning!

Here are the first of our home learning activities.

Please watch my video on Class Dojo for our phonics session and story time.

Next, have a look around your home and see what numbers you can find, try and copy some and take photos of the ones you have seen.

For the next couple of weeks we are looking at pets. Can you please take a photograph of your pets using a phone / camera and send it via Dojo’s. If you don’t have a pet see if you can find an animal or bird in your garden or on your daily walk.

Have a lovely day!



Thank you and well done to everyone who made a scarecrow for us to display at school. There were lots of inventive ones including a tigger scarecrow!

Lots of people enjoyed looking at the scarecrows over the wet and windy weekend!

06/07/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggested Activities



Good morning everyone!


As you know we are coming to the end of the Summer term and the academic school year. This will be the final post regarding Nursery Home Learning but will provide many ideas for the next two weeks.


Useful websites / links:

YouTube – Cosmic Yoga

You Tube – Singing Hands for Makaton signing.

YouTube – search Jolly Phonics for the songs.

YouTube – Go Noodle – the following is a current favourite at the moment    https://youtu.be/BQ9q4U2P3ig




To help develop phonics skills, here are some tips.

Go on listening walks – this can be done anywhere, at any time – just listen to the noises of your surroundings!

Sing lots of Nursery rhymes.

Read lots of stories, talk about the pictures in the books.

Look at the various sounds (letters) in the environment e.g. is there a ‘s’ on the sign post?

Use instruments – if you don’t have any use pots and pans and wooden spoons and have lots of fun! Can your child make a loud sound and a quiet sound?




Mathematical skills:

Count – count everything! Count how many pieces of fruit they have and what happens to the amount when they eat one. Count how many people live in their house.


Shapes – shapes are everywhere so talk about the shapes of things they see e.g. what shape is the door? What shape is the window?



Finally, one big, big thing you can do is just talk to your children and listen to them. As you talk they will learn new words and copy these. If you listen to them they will also become good listeners themselves which is a massive skill.



Wednesday 01/07/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone!!


We are still looking at healthy eating so have a go at making this lollipop.



For phonics have a go at a Listening Walk.

This is a listening activity that can take place indoors or outdoors.
Remind your child about the things that good listeners do (e.g. keep quiet, have ears and eyes ready). Invite your child to show you how good they are at listening and talk about why listening carefully is important. Encourage your child to listen attentively to the sounds around them. Talk about the different sounds they can hear. Your child could use ‘cupped ears’ or make big ears on headbands to wear as they go on the listening walk. After you have enjoyed a listening walk indoors or outdoors make a list of all the sounds they can remember. The list can be in words or pictures and prompted by replaying sounds recorded on the walk.


Have a good day!

Tuesday 30/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!



We are continuing with our ‘Fabulous Food Week’. Today we are going to make some flapjacks. Here’s a nice easy idea with just four ingredients.

  • 4 bananas (mine weighed around 460g when peeled)
  • 120g peanut butter (I use a creamy peanut butter) – it can be smooth or crunchy.
  • 250g gluten free oats
  • 125g chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 160C Fan / 180C. Line a 8x8inch square tin.

Mash your bananas in a large bowl, till fairly smooth.

Mix in your peanut butter. If your peanut butter is a little firm make sure you give it a good mix before adding it in, or even briefly pop it in the microwave to help break it down.

Stir in your oats until combined.

Mix in around 105g of your chocolate chips.

Spread your mixture into your tin, try and get it nice and level.

Add your extra chocolate chips to the top.

Place in the oven for around 15 minutes.

Remove and allow to cool before cutting into bars. Enjoy!

I would love to see some photos of your flapjacks.


Drum outdoors:
Give your child a beater or make drumsticks, for example from short pieces of dowel.
Encourage the children to explore the outdoor area and discover how different sounds
are made by tapping or stroking, with their beaters, a wooden door, a wire fence, a metal slide etc.
Ask your child to demonstrate their favourite sound.


Take a look at:


to do some yoga with the Yak from Zootropolis.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.


Monday 29/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today is a strange day for me as I have children in on a Monday! We are having a ‘Fabulous Food Week’ this week.


Here are today’s Home Learning suggestions:


Grab lots of magazines or papers that have food pictures in and find a paper plate or cut out / draw a big circle. Now have a look through the magazines and find any healthy foods. Cut out the healthy foods and stick them onto the plate. You have made a healthy plate!




For phonics today look at the healthy foods you have found and see if you can hear the first sound in the word e.g. banana begins with b. Do it for four of the healthy foods and then write / copy the sounds into your purple sketch book.





As we have done a healthy paper plate see if you can sign the word ‘healthy’.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.