We are celebrating!

We are celebrating being a Music Mark School 2020-2021

Click here to see our certificate!

We were nominated by Shropshire Music Service to become a Music Mark school for the 2020/21 academic year.

The value that we place on music and our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum has been recognised, and as a result, we have been awarded our certificate that we wanted to share with you.

Music Mark is the UK Association for Music Education who champion and support access to music for all children and young people.

Class 2 Homework Friday 2nd October 2020

Hi Class 2,

This week for your homework there are 3 activities set on Purple Mash for each Year group. These are all linked to the books you started reading last week.


Remember to hand in your work once completed.

As well as the activities on Purple Mash, spend at least 15 minutes per day practising your times tables and some time over the weekend learning your spellings for your spelling test on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 25th September

Class 2, Your homework this week is on Purple Mash


There is a separate reading activity and quiz for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.

There is a Maths game on Fractions for all of Class 2. Choose your own level. If it’s too hard go down a level, if it is too easy go up a level.

Remember to hand your work in on Purple Mash once completed.

If you can’t find your login for Purple Mash, the class logins are below.

Purple Mash Logins

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 18th September 2020

Here is this week’s homework for Class 2

Practise your spellings ready for your test on Monday

Maths revision from BBC Bitesize

Years 3 & 4: Compare numbers to 1000   https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhpq7nb

Year 5:Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000    https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjf492p

When you have completed the activities, take a photo of your work and upload it onto Class Dojo for me to mark.

Many thanks,

Mr. Church