Class 2 Home Learning Friday 12th June

Good Morning Class 2

I hope you didn’t have too many problems accessing your maths yesterday. Hopefully the update gave you an alternative way to access the activity.

Here are your learning activities for today.


We have another Family Friday Challenge for you to work on independently at first and then with members of your family to see if you can complete it.


Here are the answers so you can see how you got on.


If the documents do not open,you can also access them here:

Spend some time today on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication facts.



Today, you have a reading comprehension activity to complete.

Year 3 – Read the one star text and complete the one star questions.

Year 4 – Read the two star text and complete the two star questions.

Year 5 – Read the three star text and complete the three star questions.


PE with Joe wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


Learn about Dynamics in music and how they can be used to create different feelings. There are 4 videos and three activities to complete. Afterwards, use some of music tools on Purple Mash to create your own Dynamic music.

Have a great day,

Mr Church



Class 2 Update Home Learning-Thursday 11th june

Hi Class 2 and Parents,

I had lots of problems yesterday posting the work for Class 2 and the maths worksheets for Year 3 and 4 still don’t seem to have uploaded.

The above link will take you to a site where you can access the worksheets for Year 3- Alternative Year 3-Lesson 4-Compare Lengths and for Year 4- Alternative Year 4-Lesson 4-Add two 4-digit numbers-more than one exchange.

Hope this solves the problem.

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 11th June

Good Morning Class 2

I hope you are all well and staying safe. Many thanks to those of you who have posted your work on Class Dojo. It was good to see that many of you enjoyed experimenting with the paper aeroplanes.

Here are your learning activities for today.


Carrying on with White Rose Lesson 4 for Alternative Week 7-Summer Term.

Year 3: Compare Lengths

Lesson 4 – Compare lengths 2019-26809

Lesson 4 Answers – Compare lengths 2019-28991

Year 4: Add two 4-digit numbers

Year 4-Lesson 4 – Add two 4-digit numbers

Lesson 4 Answers – Compare lengths 2019-28991

Year 5: Inverse Operations -addition and subtraction

Year 5-Lesson 4 – Year 5-Lesson 4 – Inverse operations (addition and subtraction)

Year 5-Lesson 4 Answers – Year 5-Lesson 4 Answers – Inverse operations (addition and subtraction)


Year 3: Using a thesaurus – Sometimes when you want to say something differently, using a thesaurus can help you find the right words. Don’t worry if you don’t have a thesaurus at home as you can use one of the many online versions.

Year 4: Using a thesaurus Y4

Year 5: Using relative clauses


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.


Complete any unfinished Lessons from the “People” Assignment on and then revisit some of the lessons to upskill your level.

Revise work on Family Members by looking at this presentation then completing the matching activity and wordsearch.

Ma Famille Presentation

family match up & worksheet


Have a great day.

Mr. Church


Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26th June

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your learning activities for today.


As it’s Friday, it’s time for another Family Friday Challenge! Try to work through as many of the questions independently and then work as a family to complete the challenge.



Spend 15 to 20 minutes today on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication facts.


June 27th sees the start of London Climate Action Week. One of the factors affecting climate change is plastics pollution. Today you have a reading comprehension based around this world wide problem.


Year 3: Read the one star text and answer the one star questions.

Year 4: Read the two star text and answer the two star questions.

Year 5: Read the three star text and answer the three star questions.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


To link in with London Climate Action Week, learn about plastics and sustainability.

Have a great day, stay alert and enjoy the weekend.

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 4th June

Good Morning Class 2. I hope you all had a good half-term and were able to enjoy the super weather we have had recently. Thanks to all of you who posted your beats onto Purple Mash, I really enjoyed listening to them. I know some of you really enjoyed the “Foodie” themed activities, the photographs of your creations were amazing.

Here are your learning activities for today.


Carrying on with the White Rose Maths, you need to complete lesson 4 of Summer Term Week 6 W/C 1st June. The introductory videos can be found here.

Year 3: Lesson 4 – Fractions of a set of objects

Year 3- Fractions of a set of objects-2

Year 3-lesson-4-answers-fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-2

Year 4: Lesson 4 – Calculate Quantities

Year 4-lesson-4-calculate-quantities-2019

Year 4-lesson-4-answers-calculate-quantities-2019

Year 5: Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators

Year 5-lesson-4-fractions-as-operators-2019

Year 5-lesson-4-answers-fractions-as-operators-2019


For today’s English activities you need to visit BBC Bitesize Home Learning

Year 3: Revising apostrophes in contractions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.

Year 4: Revising apostrophes in contractions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.

Year 5: Setting and Subordinating Conjunctions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.

MFL French

Log into Duolingo and work through Lessons 2 and 3 of your “People” Assignment. Keep re-visiting the lesson to build up your skill level.

A Bit of Fun!

The weather seems to be turning a bit damp, so if you are stuck inside , have a go at some of these paper planes. Which one do you think will fly the best? Easy to follow instructions can be found here.

Have a great day.

Mr Church

Update 29th May 2020 regarding the reopening of our school

Update 29th May 2020

Regarding the reopening of Cheswardine Primary and Nursery School

We are very sorry for this situation but Western Power are disabling the power to our school on the 2nd June for the whole day.  In accordance with our risk assessment regarding the reopening of Cheswardine Primary and Nursery School we will now reopen to children in Year 6, Year 1, Reception and Nursery on Thursday 4th June 2020.  Please email regarding keyworker place requests.

Thank you.