Class 2 Home Learning Friday 1st May

Good Morning Class 2.

Thanks to Will for sending me his completed dragon, it looks very impressive and apologies to those of you who had problems again with Developing Tray, I am puzzled as to why this is happening.

Here are your tasks for today.


Friday Family Challenge. Last week White Rose published the first of their Friday Challenges, so I would like you to have a go at this. The most appropriate questions for Y3 are 1-4, Y4 are 1-5 and Y5 are 1-6. Try solving these questions independently then work as a family to solve them all and any you had difficulty with. click the link to open up the challenges.

Family-Challenge-Friday-1- WRM


Last week, as well as it being St George’s Day, it was also William Shakespeare’s birthday. Today I would like you to complete a Reading Comprehension about William Shakespeare. The text and questions are differentiated so Year 3 use the materials with one star. Year 4 – two stars and Year 5 – three stars. The answers are included so you will be able to mark your work afterwards.

William Shakespeare Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity.pdf

When you have completed the Reading Comprehension, try one of the wordsearches below.

Shakespeare Wordsearch


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.



Log into Duolingo at

Complete Lesson 2 of the Basics 2 Assignment.

At some time today, ask an adult to test you on your spellings by spelling them out loud.

Have a good day and a safe weekend.


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Good Morning Class 2,

A big thank-you to Owen, Emily and Charlie who all sent me pictures of their dragons and to Summer who sent me some of her nonsense poems. I enjoyed seeing them.

Here are your activities for today.

We will be using the White Rose materials again today. Use the link: to access the lessons and answers.

Year 3: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Problem Solving

Year 4: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Ordering Money

Year 5: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places


Today I would like you to try another Developing Tray activity from Purple Mash.

I haven’t set it as a 2Do as it didn’t work for some of you last time but hopefully, if you follow these instructions it should work! Firstly, log into Purple Mash:

From the Home screen select English

Next select the Grammar Toolbox from the SPAG Menu

Now select the Developing Tray option

Once you have opened Developing Tray, click on Launch App and it will open the Developing Tray Activities.

Click on number 5 “I Saw A Jolly Hunter” to open the activity.

Read the poem and then click on the green “Play” arrow at the top of the page. The text will then disappear and you can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to rebuild the text by predicting letters. Good Luck.


PE with Joe: Youtube 9.00am or catch up later.

MFL – French

Log into Duolingo and work on any Assignments that you haven’t completed. Last week you should have completed lessons 1-4 of Greeting but I can see there are still a few of you who are still working on it.

For those those of you who are up to date, I have set a new assignment,  Basics 2. Complete Lesson 1 and spend some time revisiting previous assignments to try and upskill your level.

Remember to read, practise your spellings and spend some time practising your multiplication tables.

Have a great day.

Mr Church.

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 24th April

Year 5 The Mystery of the Missing Lance The Mystery of the Missing Horse – Answers Year 4 The Mystery of the Missing Horse Year 3 The Mystery of the Missing Shield

Good Morning Class 2

Hope everything went ok yesterday and you were able to access everything without any problems. Here are your learning challenges for today.


White Rose do not seem to have published their Friday lesson yet so I have selected a Maths Mystery for you to solve. I know you really enjoy doing these in class. The Mystery is based around St George and the Dragon to keep it topical and the links are posted above. With the Year 3 & 4 Mystery the answers are at the end of the document, so no peeking until you finish. The Year 5 answers are on a separate attachment.


This is something new, so I hope it works. Go to the Curriculum Visions website,

It should look like this. Log in by clicking the tab at the bottom right-hand corner of the page using the user name: Class2TC

Password: Cheswardine2020

Once signed in, click the small, square, Yellow English tab on the right-handside showing a symbol which looks like an open book with a play arrow on it. Scroll down the page to “The good read” which is “A Book of Nonsense by Edward Lear”. Open up the interactive book and spend time reading and sharing the poems and verses. Once you have read the text, try writing some nonsense poems of your own in the style of Edward Lear and Make your own “Little Book of Nonsense”. Feel free to get creative and add illustrations and pictures.


PE with Joe Wicks. Youtube 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


French: Log into Duolingo and complete Lessons 3 & 4 from your Greetings unit.

Remember to practise your spellings and read to an adult at some point in the day. Practise your multiplication facts on TTRockstars for at least 15 minutes each day.

Have fun.


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 23rd April

Design a dragon St George’s Day Information Powerpoint Year 5 St George’s Day Reading Comprehension Year 3 & 4 St George’s Day Reading Comprehension

Good Morning Class 2.

I hope you all had a good rest over the Easter break and are all fit and well.

For Maths this term we are going to be using resources from White Rose Maths which you started on Monday with Mrs Tomkinson, learning about fractions and decimals. Today, I would like you to complete Lesson 4. Do the starter and watch the introductory video. Get the activity and work through the questions. When completed, ask an adult to mark your work using the “Get the Answers” tab. Go over anything you got wrong by looking back at the video and working through any corrections together.

Year 3: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 – Order Fractions

Year 4: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 – Order Decimals

Year 5: Summer Term Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals Crossing the Whole


Today is St George’s Day. Use the link at the top of the page to access the St George’s Day Information Powerpoint. Read through this then access the relevant Reading Comprehension for your Year group. Year 3: choose between the one star or two star activity. Year 4: choose between the two star or three star activity. The answers are included at the end so don’t cheat and ask an adult to help you mark your work when you have completed the questions.

Get Creative!

Open the link to the Design a dragon activity. Choose one of the dragon’s to colour in as creatively as you wish. You might want to use paints or collage if you have any craft materials or a mixture of media. Give your dragon a name and write a few sentences to describe its special powers. When your dragon is complete take a photograph of it and ask your parent/carer to post it onto Class Dojo. I will then take a look at them and choose my favourite three for a special mention next week.


PE with Joe – 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo and complete Greetings Lessons 1 & 2. I have discovered that you can earn extra point by revisiting lessons and progressing through different levels. If you completed Basics 1 but only did each lesson once, try returning to it and completing the lessons again. Each time they will be slightly more challenging as you move up the levels. Give it a go.

Have a good day.

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 3rd April

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your activities for Friday 3rd April.


Y3: complete the Geometry and Statistics sections of your Maths Revision booklet.

Years 4 & 5: Work through the Geometry and Statistics sections of your Maths Revision booklet then complete the Geometry and Statistics questions in the booklet posted last week for your year group.


Log into Purple Mash and Complete Example 1 of Developing Tray from your 2Do list


PE with Joe. Youtube 9:00am streamed live or catch up later


Complete Lesson 4 of your assignment on Duolingo. When you have done this, Basics 1 should now be complete.

Remember to read independently and to an adult at some point today, practise your spellings by asking someone to test you spelling them out loud and spend some time on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication facts.

Have a good day and keep safe.

Mr. Church.

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Class 2.

Here are your activities for today.


Year 3; Complete the Measurement section of your Maths Revision Booklet

Years 4 & 5 Work through the Measurement examples in your Revision booklet then complete the Measurement questions in the booklet for your year posted last week.


Log into Purple Mash and look at the 2Do list. Today I want you to look at Developing Tray “Ferret”. Launch the activity and read the poem then hit the green play button to work on revealing the text. Hopefully you will be able to remember what to do from when we played it in class. If not, just play around and familiarise yourself with the activity exploring all the options on the menu. I will be setting a different activity for you tomorrow on the 2Do list.


PE with Joe, streamed live at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.

MFL – French

Log into Duolingo and complete lesson 3 of your class assignment.

Remember to read for 20 minutes at least.

Practise your spellings Look, Cover, Write, Check X 3

Spend 15 – 20 minutes on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication tables.

Enjoy your day,

Mr Church


Class 2 Home Learning Friday 27th March

Year 5 Maths Activity Booklet Year 4 Maths Activity Revision Booklet

Good Morning Class 2

Today I would like you to complete the following activities:

Spelling: Practise your spellings by using a dictionary or online dictionary to look up the definition of each of your words.

Reading: Read from a book of your own choice for 20 minutes and record this in your planner.

Maths: Year 3 complete pges 4-6 of your Maths booklet

Years 4 & 5 – Work through the Fractions section of your booklet. At the top of this page are links to two other booklets which have only questions and no answers, complete the fractions questions in the booklet for your year group after working through the examples in the booklet which you originally took home.

English: Complete Test 2 of the SPAG Tests you took home in your pack.

PE: PE with Joe streamed live at 9.00am on Youtube. Search “PE with Joe”.

MFL: Log into Duolingo and complete Lesson 2 of your Class Assignment.

Have a good day and a safe weekend,

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 26th March

Hi there Class 2,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Here are your activities for Thursday 26th March.

Practise your spellings by completing Look, Cocer, Write, Check X 3 for each word. You can do this neatly in your yellow book.

Read from a book of your own choice for at least 15 minutes and try to read aloud to another adult for at least 5 minutes. Record this in your planner.


Year 3 Complete Pages 1, 2 & 3 of your Maths Revision booklet

Year 4 & 5, Work through pages 1-6 of your Maths Revision booklet. Read the examples carefully and follow what is going on. Answers are shown but I want you to work through the examples and any questions shown. Once you are familiar with each step being explained create your own questions for each section and record them with the answers in your yellow book.


Work through Test 1 of the SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) Tests you took home in your pack


Youtube 9.00am: PE with Joe. Streamed Live at 9.00am. Joe Wicks is doing a 30 minute PE session each day for primary School children You can complete this anytime in the day if you can’t manage it at the live streaming time. Just search for “PE with Joe”.


I know some of you have already logged into Duolingo, I love your enthusiasm. Log into duolingo and complete Lesson 1 of your Class Assignment.

Have a great day.

Mr Church