Dodgeball Competition Success

Well done to our KS2 Dodgeball team who reached the play-offs and came fourth overall of the fourteen teams taking part.  The team played really well.

Our KS1 Dodgeball team played really well also and had a great time at the competition but were not placed this time around.

Congratulations to everyone who took part and for trying their hardest in representing our school.


Years 5 and 6 exploring at Whixall Moss as part of Science Week

All kitted out in waterproofs, winter warmers and wellingtons, our Year 5 and 6 pupils joined their friends from Hinstock Primary School at Whixall Moss this week as part of joint working together for Science week.  Everyone had a great time and the weather was just right for all the activities, as you can see below.

Netball Team Success

Congratulations to our Netball team who came third in the Shropshire Homes School Sport Festival, as part of School Games.  They played very well against other qualifying teams from across the county and once again demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and team spirit.  Well done!

***Congratulations Received On Amazing 2019 Results***

We are absolutely delighted to share with you recent congratulations received for our amazing 2019 KS2 results.

Please read on the link below the letter of congratulations from Shropshire Council, backed up by Ofsted on their visit to our school on 24th September 2019.

Letter of congratulations from Executive Director of Children’s Services, Shropshire Council