Home Learning Tuesday 02.03.21

Good morning Class 2,

Our Teams meeting today will be at 10.00. We will then have a look at the English activity together. Enjoy today’s learning!


Can you try the following warm up. How many different solutions can you find?

Year 3



Year 4

Year 4 -answers Fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-1

Year 4 Worksheet-Fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-1

Year 5




Today in English there are two tasks to complete.

1 – Grammar task – In our weekly spellings before half term, you have been learning to spell different homophones. Please click here to watch a video to remind yourself what homophones are. There is then a homophones game to play here online or a paper copy for you to match.

Look in the assignment area of Teams where there is a quiz that I would like you to complete.

Task 2: At 10.00 we will have a Teams meeting. We will read the next chapter of our class book. You will then have an emotions graph to fill in which we will start to complete together in the session.

Nick emotion graph


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today we will continue our work on pets. Remind yourself about how to say the names of different pets by watching the video below.


Have a look at the BBC website which explains how to say what types of pet you have. Click on the sound buttons to hear the words spoken in French e.g. J’ai une tortue. Can you tell someone at home what type of pet you have?

Now can you complete the following activity sheet.



Today we are going to work on outlines, edges and shading. Please use the next video to help you to think about the way that you hold a pencil and the marks that you are making. It will show you how to draw an object to make it look 3D. Please draw a can or an object of your choosing that you have in your house and send me your work.

Home Learning Monday 01.03.21

Good morning class 2,

I hope you had a good weekend? It was beautiful weather so I hope you managed to get outside. There will be a Teams meeting today at 11.30 for Year 5 for your guided reading session and spellings. I have not set anything on Showbie today, as for science, I would like you to practice drawing your bar chart neatly with a ruler. Please find today’s work below.


For your warm up try to complete a daily 10 mental maths challenge. You will need a your workbook to write the answers in to. Follow this link and click on the blue picture showing the challenge. You will nee to select the level, challenge and then the challenge. You will then need to set the time. Perhaps start with 15 seconds. Try to the following settings:

Bronze – level 4 – rounding – 99 to the nearest 10

Silver – level 4 – rounding -9.999 to the nearest 10

Gold – level 5 – rounding – Decimals to the nearest whole number

If you want a challenge, try to speed up your time to 10 seconds. You could also choose a different rounding challenge.

Year 3



Year 4

Year 4 Answers -Subtract-from-whole-amounts-2019

Year 4 Worksheet-Subtract-from-whole-amounts-2019

Year 5




Year 3/4

We are going to have another look at expanded noun phrases. Please watch the two videos below. Then there are three levels of sheet for you to choose from.

There are two different work sheets below. You will see a star in the left hand corner of the worksheets. Please either complete the blue, red or yellow star sheets (see below to see which level you will choose). You do not need to complete all of the questions. If you look at the questions on the screen you can write directly in to your home learning book.

Blue – Bronze

Red – Silver

Yellow – Gold

GPS–Identifying-Noun-Phrases 1

GPS-Identifying-Noun-Phrases 2

Year 5

Today we are looking at embedded clauses. Please explore the following BBC webpage which will introduce them. Then can you please watch the video below that explains more about relative clauses and then complete the following worksheet. There is also a copy of the powerpoint below for you to have a look at.

Lesson Presentation Relative Clauses

Relative-Clauses year 5


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today you are going to carry out your science enquiry. You will need three biscuits which you will be dunking in to a cup of tea. Please consider your heath and safety and make sure that the cup of tea is a safe temperature and if you are handling hot water, that an adult is there with you. Please watch the video below which will explain what I would like you to do.


To help to make sure that the amount of time in the tea is the same, and so to keep it a fair test, please use the video below which will help you with your timing. Below that, you will find the worksheet for you to fill in.



If the weather is as lovely as the weekend then please try to get outside. If you are unable to, then have a look at this martial arts video instead.

Home Learning Wednesday 24.02.21

Good morning class 2,

I am glad that most of you are enjoying our new class book. We will carry on reading it today. There is no Teams meeting today, but there are some videos below for you to watch. Have a great day!


For your starter, have a go at this times tables tester. Try to focus on the times table that you are currently working on, or if you are now confident with that, the next times table that you wish to improve.

Year 3

Today I would like you to complete an end of unit challenge. This will be looking at everything you have learnt over the past couple of weeks and will give me an idea of what you have understood. Give yourself as much time as you need to complete it. Remember to apply the different methods that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Please send a picture once you have finished.


Year 4



Year 5

For today’s year 5 task there is no accompanying worksheet. Please pause the video (or powerpoint underneath) and complete the activity straight into your book.

y5 -Add-mixed-numbers-activity


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today in English we will look at chapter 2 of our book ‘Rock Bottom’. Please watch the video below where I will read the chapter to you. I have also sent a pdf copy of the text to you via email. You can use this to help you to answer the questions below.




Religious Education

This week in R.E. we are thinking about your special or sacred place. Please watch the video below. I have also included a copy of the powerpoint in case you wanted to look at it again.


Presentation 1 – Intro to special places My special place

I would now like you to draw your special place. You can either use a blank piece of paper or the sheet provided. Remember to label your drawing. If you are using the sheet you can list the features of your special place under the different headings.

My special place



If you would like to continue with the weekly daily mile challenge I have attached this week’s challenge below. Can you try to plan your route around your favourite places?


If you would prefer to do something else, perhaps try this rainbow yoga?


Home Learning Tuesday 23.02.21

Good morning class 2,

It was great to see you on the Teams meeting yesterday and it seems as though you have had a great half term break. Today we will have our Teams meeting at 11.30 where we will look at our new class book ‘Rock Bottom’. Could you please try to complete the prediction activity before the meeting and then we will be able to share our ideas during the Teams session. At 2.30 there will also be a Teams meeting for year 5 to complete their guided reading task and spelling test. Well done to those who completed some of yesterday’s tasks on Showbie. I have added the task for English and French to Showbie if you would like to complete it online rather than printing it out. If any of you wish to join Showbie today, please have a look at yesterday’s video explaining how to do it. Have a great day.


For your mental starter can you log in to Times table rockstars. Between 9.00 and 9.15, I will be looking at the arena section of TT rockstars. If you are able to, can you log in at this time and play against your classmates? If not, can you challenge someone to a game in the rockslam area?

Year 3



Year 4

Year 4 Worksheet-Add-fractions

Year 4-Answers-Add-fractions

Year 5




Today at 10.00 the NSPCC are holding a live assembly on ‘Speak out, Stay Safe’. They have special celebrity appearances from Ant and Dec and David Walliams. This assembly helps children understand the importance of talking about their worries, and how Childline can support them. Please click the link here to watch the assembly.


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


For our English lesson today we will be starting a new book. For today’s activity, I would like you to look at the front cover and the blurb and see if you can predict what the story might be about. Look for clues including what the blurb suggests and what the pictures show. Below is a powerpoint that includes the front cover and the blurb. I would then like you to fill in the table on the worksheet (this is also available to complete on Showbie) which asks you to identify different features of the front cover and then to think about what this suggests about the book. We will then have a teams meeting today at 11.30 to share our ideas and to read the first chapter of the book together.

Lesson-1-Rock Bottom

Front Cover analysis


Over the next few weeks we will be looking at pencil sketching. This week we are going to start to develop our skills of sketching and observation. Your challenge is to draw a collection of tiny objects – by tiny I mean things which are roughly the size of a five pence piece – things like small shells, pebbles, leaves, beads, screws. Start by scattering the objects over a large, clean sheet of paper. Take a sharp pencil, and make sure you are near to the objects so that you can really see all their detail.

As you draw, let your eyes flit between looking at the object and looking at your sketch. Ideally you should look at the object for a few seconds, then your drawing for a few seconds, then the object, then the drawing…Also begin to become aware of how you can change the the marks you make in response to what you see. For example experiment with how much pressure you use, in different parts of the drawing. …. Enjoy drawing small!


This week we will be looking at pets. Please use this link to learn the names of some common pets. Please click on the full tutorial option. You will continue to click through the webpage recognising the names of pets in French. Once you have completed that you can complete the wordsearch below (this is also available to complete on Showbie). There is also a word bank and short video to help you.

Pets Knowledge_Organiser_




Home Learning Monday 22.02.21

Good morning Class 2,

I hope you have all had a great half term? Hopefully I will be able to hear some of the different things that you have been doing on the Teams meetings today and tomorrow. As it is our first day back, our meeting today will be for everyone at 1.30 where we will look at our science task. Year 5, you will have your guided reading session and spelling test tomorrow instead at 2.30. Please watch the video below explaining today’s tasks.

Today, I have also given you an alternative way of accessing some of the worksheets through a learning platform called Showbie. This will allow you to type or write directly on to a worksheet and submit it to me. If you would like to use Showbie, there is a video below explaining how to log on. You will need our class code which is  BPC9M. 



For your maths starter, choose between bronze, silver or gold. Try to jot the answers down as quickly as you can.

Year 3



Year 4



Year 5





On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


This week we will be starting to read a new book in English. This book features a play called ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’. It is a very famous play by William Shakespeare. You will need to have some understanding of the play and the main characters to help you understand the book. Can you please watch the two videos about it below. Underneath you have some tasks. You will need to sequence events in the story and name the main characters. You may find it easier to complete these while you are watching the film.




Over the next half term in science, we will be focusing on developing our skills of enquiry. There are five different types of enquiry (see the poster below) and to start with, we will be completing a fair test or comparative enquiry.


Please watch this short video clip to remind you what a fair test is.

We will be carrying out an enquiry to find out which biscuit is the best for dunking. We will talk through the plan and fill some of it in during this afternoon’s Teams meeting. Please have the planning sheet with you this afternoon (or the planning board drawn into your book). We will complete the enquiry next Monday, so by then could you please have three different types of biscuits to test which is the best dunker!

biscuit dunking plan

Please find below the plan that we completed together:

biscuit dunking plan together


I hope you all enjoyed the martial arts video before half term? If you did, here is the second video. If you would prefer to get outside for a bike ride or walk that is fine too.

Home Learning Wednesday 10.02.21

Good morning class 2,

It was great to see so many of you on the Teams meetings yesterday! Today there will be no Teams meeting but if you have any trouble with today’s work then please just message me as usual. Have a great day!


For your warm up can you please try these addition pyramids.

Gold Number pyramids


Bronze Number Pyramids 

Year 3


Year 3 -Answers-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-10-

Year 3-Worksheet-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-

Year 4

Year 4-Answers-Equivalent-fractions-1-

Year 4 worksheet-Equivalent-fractions-1-

Year 5


Year 5 Worksheets-Add-and-subtract-fractions


Year 3/4

BBC- What is a pronoun?


pdf spider-monkey-pronouns-worksheet-converted

Year 5

Lion Video clip -parenthesis

BBC – What is parenthesis?



On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Can you please complete this end of unit quiz? Please can you send me a photograph of the quiz once you have completed it?

quiz- Rocks And Soils quiz- Rocks And Soils

If you finish this and would like an extra challenge (either today or over the half term holidays) why not try to make the rock cycle using chocolate?



Can you try to get outside for the mile at home? Try to walk or run for at least 15 minutes – perhaps you could try the trainspotting challenge. How many modes of transport can you see?


Safer Internet Day

As the videos seemed to fail yesterday during our Teams meeting about safer internet day, I have included a link below of an assembly all about this year’s theme.