Home Learning 26.01.22


Today we are continuing to work on 3 digit division by 1 digit. Please work through the powerpoint below and answer the blue star questions.




We will be looking at direct speech. Can you watch this clip about penguins and complete the sheet about direct speech?



We will be talking about how amazing our world is. Next week, we will be starting to write a poem about our amazing world. Can you look at the powerpoint below and see if you can collect some ideas?

Why is Our World So Special?

Guided Reading.

Could you please read the text and answer the questions?

Famous Landmarks Stage 4 Comp – Comprehension Pack

Home Learning 25.01.22


Spr4.3.3 – Divide 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.




We will be starting our class book today. Look at the PowerPoint below and then try and answer the questions below to make a prediction of what you think the book will be about.

Lesson-1—Powerpoint grendel – chocolate prediction. home learning


Who is the main character?

What do you think this character may be like?


What does the picture tell us?


What do you think could happen?

What does the word cautionary tell us?


What is the climate like in South America?

Please watch this following video.

Then look at the information in the slides below.


Then can you please complete just the first sheet from these below.



Today we will be answering the question: Do all types of chocolate melt at the same temperature?

Look at pages 4- 6 of the document below. Could you complete a similar enquiry at home?


Remember to also practice your times tables on TT Rockstars and to read a chapter of your reading book.

Home Learning 24.01.22

Please find today’s home learning tasks below.

Maths – Year 4

Spr4.3.2 – Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Y4-Spring-Block-1-Answers Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-2-2019 MA HA table


We are looking at expanded noun phrases. Please watch the video and powerpoint below and then complete the activity.

BBC – Expanded nouns

RKT -year-4-expanded-noun-phrases-

Can you create 5 sentences using expanded noun phrases about this picture. Use the table below to help you.

Expanded noun table


Can you please complete this lesson on melting and boiling points.


If you are feeling well enough, can you complete this yoga video.

Remember to also practice your times tables on TT Rockstars and to read a chapter of your reading book.

Home Learning 10.01.22

Please find today’s home learning tasks below.


Year 3

Aut3.5.2 – Subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number – crossing 10 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Y3-Answers Subtract-a-1-digit-number-from-a-3-digit-number-crossing-10

Y3-Worksheet -Subtract-a-1-digit-number-from-a-3-digit-number-crossing-10-


Today we are starting to look at fables.

Look at the following video that explains what fables are.

Please either read or listen to the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’.

Audio version.


Can you create a piece of artwork that illustrates what the story is about?


Have a look at the powerpoint below and then complete the task.

-Introduction-to-solids-liquids-and-gases home learning



Practice your underarm throwing.

Home Learning 05.01.22

Please find the home learning for tomorrow below. Remember to also spend some time reading and practicing you times tables on TT rockstars.


Year 3

Y3-Answers Subtract-3-digit-numbers-from-3-digit-numbers-no-exch


Year 4

Aut4.9.3 – Perimeter of a rectangle from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Y4-Answers Perimeter-of-a-rectangle

Y4-Worksheet Perimeter-of-a-rectangle-


Today we will be writing a recount of our Christmas holidays. Please read through the following powerpoint to give you some ideas on how you can structure your writing.



We will be completing the first lesson on changing state today. Today we will be exploring the properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Please complete this lesson from The Oak Academy.


We will be completing the following comprehensions.

Bronze Snowman Stage 2 Comprehension – Comprehension pack

Silver Favourite Toy Stage 3 Comp – Comprehension Pack

Gold The Little Match Girl Stage 4 Comp – Comprehension Pack