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Class 3 homework

Hello class 3!

Here is what I would like you to do over the half term:

  • Practice your spellings! Week 1 Autumn 2
  • Complete all of the lessons in the ‘family’ module on duolingo (You can download the duolingo app to make completing your homework easier):
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete the quiz (for every additional chapter that you read, you will be awarded dojo points!):
  • Complete the 2do’s on purplemash:

Have a lovely, restful half term!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello Class 3! You’re homework this week is as follows:

  • Practice your spellings Week 7 Spellings
  • Complete the “Basics 1” lessons on duolingo
  • Read a chapter and complete a quiz on fiction express
  • Complete the 2do’s on purple mash

Please check your outlook emails for your duolingo login’s if you’ve forgotten!

Have a fab weekend,

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello class 3! This week’s homework is as follows:

  • Practise your spellings Week 6 Spellings
  • Practise multiplications on TTrockstars.
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete a quiz.
  • Complete the 2do’s on purple mash.

Please remember to email me when you have completed your homework!

Have a great weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello class 3!

Here is your homework for this week. I do expect you to complete everything by Friday.

  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete a quiz.
  • Complete the 2do’s set on purple mash.
  • Practice timetables on TTrockstars.
  • Practise spellings Week 5 Spellings

Email me to let me know that you have completed your homework.

Have a great weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello Class 3!

This week’s homework is as follows:

  • Practice spelling words: Week 3 5 & 6
  • Complete assigned tasks on purple mash.
  • Practice multiplication tables on TTRockstars.
  • Read a chapter on fiction express (keep collecting your sponsor money!)

If you have any problems logging onto any of the online learning websites please just drop me an email and I’ll do my best to help you!

Have a great weekend,

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Good afternoon!

Homework for Class 3 this week is as follows:

  • Practice spellings Y5-6 2nd week
  • 2 Purple Mash activities Purple Mash Logins
  • Practice multiplication tables using TTRockstars
  • Read one chapter on fiction express

Usually I would assign a task on purplemash, but I am currently experiencing some technical difficulties with regards to moving the children’s profiles to class 3!

The children have been set up with personal emails they can access through hotmail. I would like the children to send me an email over the weekend if they haven’t already so we can confirm that their account is active and working properly!

My email address is:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via class dojo, some parent’s do need to link up to class dojo in order to contact me.

Have a great weekend,

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 1.6.20

Good morning Class 3!

Due to school re-opening on Thursday, the online learning will now be moving to BBC Bitesize entirely and I will no longer be posting daily on the website.

New lessons are uploaded to BBC Bitesize everyday which are inline with the Year 6 curriculum.

Duolingo and purple mash are still available for use and I will ensure tasks are available for the children who are continuing with home learning. As well as the CGP books of course!

For those of you returning to school on Thursday, I look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 22.5.20

Good morning everyone! You’ve made it through to another Friday!

English: Today you will be writing a thank you letter. It would be wonderful if you could use this skill to write a thank you letter so someone in your life who you are thankful for. That could be a family member, a friend or even your key worker bin men!

Maths: Converting decimals into fractions!

Computing: I know many of you enjoy playing computer games, so this lesson explores what makes a great game and shows you how to create your own!

Art: I have been following local artist Rory McCann during lockdown as he has been posting some amazing painting tutorials! If you fancy having a go, I particularly like this chameleon tutorial:

Please add weekly projects to your portfolio’s on Class Dojo or alternatively you can email them or message them to me!

I have assigned a new module on duo-lingo and can’t wait to be blown away by your French speaking skills when I next see you!

The WWF website is continuing to post fun activities throughout half-term if you find yourself at a lose end!,11GSJ,71AOC6,3YUUO,1

Please have a fantastic half-term, stay safe and get outside in the sun! You could even do some yoga in your garden!

If you are returning to school, I shall see you soon!

All the best,

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 21.5.20

Morning everyone! I am loving everyone’s upcycling projects, keep the pictures coming!

English: Today you will be drafting a letter!

Maths: Yesterday was multiplication and today is division! Hooray!

Extra: WWF are hosting a live quiz today at 11am! I know how much you enjoy a kahoot, so why not give this a try?,11EFM,71AOC6,3YKMH,1

Please carry on with your weekly projects and everything else, but also be sure to make the most of this beautiful weather and the fact you have been granted unlimited exercise by our government! Lucky things!

Have a super day!

Miss France

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