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Class 3 home learning tasks 20.5.20

Morning Class 3! Hopefully you were able to access yesterday’s lessons, this website can be extremely glitchy at times!

English: We briefly covered semi-colons before the school closed but I have a feeling a bit of revision is needed!

Maths: Some more work on decimals!

Science: Following our theme of the environment and nature, this is a great lesson on natural resources!

For those of you who are yet to see what the Ches staff have been up to here’s a video…. (no sloths were hurt in the making of this video) Terry sends his love.

Carry on with your online learning and weekly projects!

Have a fab day and enjoy the amazing weather!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 19.5.20

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re all keeping well!

English: Today you will be looking at similes, metaphors and those things we always pronounce wrong; hyperboles!

Maths: I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic to know that your fractions revision has ended and now it’s time for decimals!

Weekly projects are to continue as normal!

Extra: Over on the WWF website they are celebrating biodiversity week! To find out more about biodiversity and what it means take a look at the website and all the great activities they have (It’s to do with animals and nature so you’ll definitely like it!).

Continue work on purple mash, duo lingo, TT Rockstars (beat my score!) and your CGP books.

Have a brilliant day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 18.5.20

Good morning Class 3 and welcome to another sunny week of home learning!

English: Today’s lesson is based on the brilliant novel ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’! You even get some extracts read to you by the magnificent Stephen Fry!

Maths: Have a go at the weekly challenge. The questions do get progressively harder so just try your best!

Weekly Project: The weekly project this week is about the environment! Perfect for you bunch of eco-warriors!

Weekly project

Extra: If you’re feeling a bit arty today then this bitesize lesson will help you perfect story-telling through art!

If after all of that you still want more, you can do P.E with Joe or a Cosmic kids yoga session, like this one:

If you have any questions, please contact me! Have a great day!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 15.5.20

Hello everyone! You’ve made it to Friday! Go you!

Myself and Mrs Williams have had some feedback with regards to the school re-opening on the 1st of June, which is greatly appreciated. If you are yet to let us know your thoughts and whether you’ll be sending your child in then please do as it allows us to plan adult to children ratios as well as way in which we are going to ensure social distancing is in place and adhered to!

English: Today you will be writing a recount and there’s even a video from everyone’s favourite Michael Rosen!

Maths: I know how much you all LOVE fractions…. so here’s some more! 🙂

D&T: If you’re feeling creative today you can have a go at this D&T lesson!

Extra: As you’re all so passionate about saving the environment, Ebony recommended this website which has lots of games about the environment and climate change! Thanks Ebony!

I would like you weekly projects added to your Class Dojo portfolio’s, if you are able to upload it yourself then that is extra helpful, if not please just send them to me via email or class dojo!

Thank you for another week of hard work and positivity!

Have a fantastic weekend! You may even be allowed to see one new person from 2 metres away you lucky things!

Email me if you have any problems!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 14.5.20

Good morning everyone! Hopefully you have read the letter on the school website regarding the potential re-opening of the school on the 1st of June. If you could please let me know your thoughts and whether you would be happy to send your child back into school on this day, that would be greatly appreciated as we are beginning to formulate a structured plan.

Here is a link to the letter if you are yet to read it:

English: Following on from yesterday’s speech writing, today you will be writing a debate argument. Something else you might have seen recently on tv!

Maths: Today you will be dividing fractions!

Extra: Today’s activity on the WWF website is about the polar regions, something we studied at great length in class. Let’s see how much you can remember!,11B4Q,71AOC6,3Y6MI,1#planet

I have assigned some additional lessons on purple mash so go and have a look!

Please keep your work and pictures coming in! It’s all looking fantastic!

Contact me if you have any questions!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 13.5.20

Morning everyone! Your class dojo portfolio’s are looking great! If you are yet to send me any evidence of work, please do so as it will have an impact on your end of Year 6 outcomes. The grades given out will be based on all of the work you have completed since September, so keep adding to those portfolio’s!

English: In a somewhat fitting fashion, your focus in English today is speech writing. There are lots of great examples of moving speeches on youtube by great leaders such as: Barrack Obama, Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill.

Maths: Continuing with the theme of fractions, today you will be multiplying them!

Geography: One of my favourite things about Class 3 is how aware and passionate you all are about the environment and the different ways we can help prevent global warming. A right bunch of eco-warriors! With that in mind, I saw this Geography lesson about the sustainability of plastics and thought you would enjoy it!

Carry on with weekly projects, exercising, CGP books, Duolingo, TT Rockstars (I’ve challenged you all) and Purple mash. 

Have a great day! Email me if you need anything!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 12.5.20

Hi everyone! Keep the work and photos coming in, it looks like everyone is working extremely hard!

English: As a reminder, you can complete this quiz on tense first:

Then you should be ready to complete today’s lesson on report writing!

Maths: If you have finished the previous maths mats, have a go at this one: Maths mat

Today’s Bitesize maths lesson:

Please carry on with your weekly projects! I don’t mind if you’d rather send photos of your work daily or weekly, as long as I am getting it!

Extra: WWF are running a garden safari live on facebook at 11am!,11B4Q,71AOC6,3Y6MI,1#planet

The Natural History Museum in London have made the museum accessible from the comfort of your own home, you can take virtual tours and even have Sir David Attenborough narate as you explore the museum! Amazing!

Keep smiling everyone!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 11.5.20

Good morning everyone! Thank you for the positive pictures and message you sent over the weekend, I’ll share them with you once I’ve received the last couple.

English: Have a go at this quiz to start off with:

After the quiz, I would like you to complete this reading lesson:

Maths: Adding and subtracting mixed numbers!

Weekly project: The weekly project this week is about animals! Weekly project

Extra: The WWF website have some great educational activities related to animals and our planet.,11B4Q,71AOC6,3Y6MI,1#planet

Please contact me if you have any questions!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning tasks 7.5.20

Hi everyone! I’d just like to say a big thank you for sending work over, your portfolios on Class Dojo are looking great!

Maths: Maths mat warm-up: Maths mat

Today’s maths lesson is adding and subtracting fractions:

English: SPAG mat warm-up: SPAG mat

Today’s english lesson is on relative clauses:

Science: If any of you have been having a go at gardening and planting seeds during lockdown, this science lesson could be particularly helpful to you:

Weekly project: Continue with your weekly projects, tomorrow is a bank holiday so there’ll be no lessons uploaded, but please feel free to send me your work at any point over the weekend!

Extra: If you’d like to celebrate V-Day here are some nice templates you can use! There are also some ‘Thank you’ templates if you would like to brighten up your front garden and show your appreciation for key workers!

To learn more about VE Day here’s a short video:

Please keep your positive pictures coming in! It’s been lovely to see what you’ve been getting up to!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning tasks 6.5.20

Hi everyone! I will be at Cheswardine School today if anyone wishes to contact me via telephone about anything at all! Keep you’re positive pictures coming in, they’re looking fab so far!

Maths: Have a go at this maths revision mat: Maths mat

Today you will be comparing and ordering fractions!

English: Try this SPAG mat: SPAG mat

Have a go at using personification in your setting description!

Weekly Project: Please continue with your weekly project on view points.

Extra: WWF are celebrating Earth Hour 2020 and have created 18 activities that you can complete at home! I particularly like the idea of making a bee/bug house OR creating an Earth Hour Poster (which I will put on the website)! You can choose to complete any of the activities that tickle your fancy!

P.E: P.E with Joe is still going strong and is fab but if you’d like to try something different, here’s a mindfulness yoga session!

Keep your pictures and work coming in! The portfolios are looking great!

Have a great day!

Miss France

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