Class 1 Home learning -Tuesday 5th May

Today’s activities are:


Phonics – Watch the learning video on dojos then complete the phonics game on purple mash ar or

English- Play the ‘what am I’ description game on this power point. Minibeasts-What-Am-I-Interactive-Powerpoint-Game

Then Draw and write about one of the minibeasts in the quiz in your yellow book. What information can you remember?

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.       

Then complete the minibeast subtractions. You can either print this sheet out or just do the subtractions in your yellow book. minibeast-themed-subtraction_to 10

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the phonics activities on the slide show on purple mash.

English – Complete the ‘quiz’ and ‘joining words’ games on purple mash relating to chapter 2 of Anna and the 3rd lead.

Maths – Watch the 2 learning videos on this link.   

Then complete the answers to these fact families questions in your yellow book. Please take a photo to show me on dojos. Addition and subtraction fact families

Year 2:

Phonics – Watch the learning power point to focus on ‘there their they’re’ homophones homophones There-Their-and-Theyre–PowerPoint_ver_1 (1)

Then, in your yellow book,  write out the sentences on this sheet using the correct word to fill the gaps. Homophones-Practice-Activity-Sheet-Theyre-There-Their

English – Complete the activities relating to chapter 3 of Ned and the detectives. You can either print the sheets out or write the answers in full sentences in your yellow book.Ned and the detectives ch3 activities__

Maths: Watch the learning video about comparing number sentences using maths symbols.

Then complete the maths games on this link.