Class 3 home learning 11.2.21

Good morning Class 3! I will see you all at 11am for our teams meeting today!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Today’s worksheet: Divide by 10, 100 & 1000

Check your answers using the answer sheet


Write a newspaper article about the elephant-napper. Include a description of what the napper looks like, the tactics she uses to get what she wants and the need to approach her with caution as well as a possible reward for her capture. Also add some quotes and interview responses from other elephants in the herd! This can be typed or completed by hand. Don’t forget to include: headline, subheading, date, author name, pictures with captions and to write your article in columns!

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Also be sure to practice your spellings and learn their meaning if you’re not sure! Please send me your spelling sentences by Friday.


Possible suggestions:

  • Create a piece of artwork (painting/sketch/collage)
  • Bake something delicious
  • Go for a walk in nature
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Read a book
  • Play your favourite sport
  • Learn a new sport!
  • Earn some parent points and mow the lawn!

Whatever you do get up to, enjoy yourselves!