Class 3 home learning 27.1.21

Good morning Class 3! I hope you enjoyed the last of the snow, my garden is sadly back to normal now! If any of you built some amazing snowmen or did anything fun in the snow be sure to send me photos so I can add them to our lockdown wall in school!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Fraction of an amount

Then check your work honestly using the answer sheet


We are continuing with formal language in English, click here for today’s lesson! Complete the whiteboard challenges and then this follow-up formal writing worksheet.


Please practice your new spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


Complete today’s Geography lesson on how we produce energy (part 2) followed by the quiz!


Option 1: Just dance workout

Option 2: PE with Joe Wicks

Option 3: Martial arts fitness training

Please complete your 2do’s on purple mash and remember I’m looking for our first lockdown star of the week! 

Email me if you have any questions and I will see you in our teams meeting tomorrow!