Class 3 home learning 4.2.21

Good morning Class 3! Don’t forget our teams meeting has moved to 11am today!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

You have finished your geometry module! Please complete this consolidation task and rate the difficulty once you have finished: Consolidation test

Once you have completed the assessment, mark it honestly using the answer sheet


In addition to creating a mess in and around rubbish bins, raccoons often damage human property. For this reason, many people living in urban areas consider the North American raccoon to be a pest. This can lead to raccoons being killed by home owners, who resort to poisoning them or setting lethal traps. Nevertheless, it is your belief that humans are the pests and not the raccoons. Present your case using the power of persuasive words. You’ll need to use emotive language and support your opinions with facts and information (use google)!

Reading/spellings: Please ensure you are reading on fiction express everyday! It only takes 5 minutes so there is nooooo excuse! Also be sure to practice your spellings learn their meaning, if you’re not sure, in preparation for your sentences and spelling test!

Screen free afternoon! 

Today is your first screen free afternoon so make the most of it! You could:

  • Go for a walk
  • Create some artwork
  • Do some baking
  • Do some extreme reading
  • Create a dance routine
  • Practice yoga
  • Tend to your pets
  • Practice football skills

Whatever you should to do please share it with the class by sending pictures in via class dojo! 🙂

Have a brilliant day!