Class 3 home learning 5.2.21

Good morning Class 3! It’s Friday! You’ve come to the end of another successful week of home learning! Well done you!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio (try and level up your rock status) and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

We are starting on decimals today! Hooray! Here’s a recap lesson to refresh your memories!

Once you’ve watch the video, have a go at this worksheet: Decimals up to 2dp

Check your answers using the answer sheet


You may have heard in the news about the sad passing of Sir Captain Tom Moore. He lived a full and interesting life and he is the topic of our reading comprehension today!

Here is the text: Captain Sir Tom Text

Here and the questions: Captain Tom Questions

Once you have finished the Captain Tom comprehension, please log on to purple mash and complete your 2do’s! Complete ‘Samantha’s Day’ first!


Now that we have a screen free afternoon on a Thursday, our Friday lessons are going to be slightly more varied! I’m really excited to see your RE presentations at the end of this unit, please remember to keep adding to them each week with your knowledge of Islam! Today you will be learning about the incredible festivals of Islam. Click here to go to today’s lesson.


Option 1: PE with Joe

Option 2: Just dance workout

Option 3: Super Mario Martial Arts

Have a lovely weekend! We are making our pizzas next week, so be very polite and ask your grown ups whether you can add your ingredients to the shopping list!