Class 3 home learning tasks 6.5.20

Hi everyone! I will be at Cheswardine School today if anyone wishes to contact me via telephone about anything at all! Keep you’re positive pictures coming in, they’re looking fab so far!

Maths: Have a go at this maths revision mat: Maths mat

Today you will be comparing and ordering fractions!

English: Try this SPAG mat: SPAG mat

Have a go at using personification in your setting description!

Weekly Project: Please continue with your weekly project on view points.

Extra: WWF are celebrating Earth Hour 2020 and have created 18 activities that you can complete at home! I particularly like the idea of making a bee/bug house OR creating an Earth Hour Poster (which I will put on the website)! You can choose to complete any of the activities that tickle your fancy!

P.E: P.E with Joe is still going strong and is fab but if you’d like to try something different, here’s a mindfulness yoga session!

Keep your pictures and work coming in! The portfolios are looking great!

Have a great day!

Miss France