Class One Home Learning – Monday 1st February.

Good Morning Class One

Welcome to week 5 of home learning and it’s a new month as well!

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have a dough disco and handwriting session today so you will need something to write with and your playdough.

Reception: 1pm

Year 1 & 2: 1.30pm




Now watch.

Now head over to purple mash to complete the activity I have set.


Year 1 & 2 

Now watch:

Now head over to purple mash to complete the activity I have set. I have also set the ‘igh’ to practise.



Lets talk about traditional tales to start with by watching my video.

A reminder of your activity:

Reception: Draw a picture of your favourite fairy tale and write 3 sentences about it.

Year 1: Draw a picture of your favourite fairy tale and write at least 6 sentences about it.

Year 2: Draw a picture of your favourite fairy tale and write at least 9 sentences about it.


Reception: Watch my video then complete the dice game. Begin with one dice and if your child is confident with numbers to 6 have a go with 2 dice. If you don’t have a dice then here is a template to make one with card (Get your child to draw the dots – extra maths!) dice template

Reception dice game 1 more 1 less 

Year 1&2: Watch the learning video then answer the questions on the sheet.


Reception: Read  ‘Diggers’

Year 1: Read ‘Plants for dinner’

Year 2: Read ‘Animal Magic’


PSHE: Today we are learning about Self respect and being proud. Watch this episode of treasure champs to find out what makes these children proud.

Year 1 and 2: Please draw me a picture of what makes you proud or something that has made you proud in the past. Underneath write about that object or occasion explaining how and why it made you proud.

Reception: Instead of writing you could make me a little video to tell me what you are proud of. You could show it to me and tell me all about it. I have set it as a task in the portfolio section of class Dojos.