Class One – Home Learning – Tuesday 23rd February

Good Morning Class One

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: We have a Guided Reading Lesson today. Your group allocation will be on your email invitation. Please join me at:

Group 1: 9.15am

Group 2: 9.45am

Group 3: 10:15am

ENGLISH:  Imagine we are going to go here on a holiday! We need to fly on a plane to get there.

(Here is a link to a clearer picture)

Reception: What shall we pack? Can you write a list of all the things you would like to pack in your suitcase for our holiday. You can use this template if you want to. Don’t forget to name your suitcase.

suitcase template

Year 1&2: You need to convince your parents to let you go. Describe what it is like there and why you really want to go.

Your writing could include:

What it looks like there.

What activities you will be able to do there.

Persuasive words to convince your parents it would be a good idea.

And not forgetting to check your writing success criteria:


Reception: First let’s recap all of phase 3.

Now head over to purple mash to complete your reading sentences activity there.


Year 1&2:

First let’s recap some phase 5 graphemes and complete the labelling sheet. You can use the pdf writing tools on screen and send a photo to dojos if you prefer not to print it out.

phase 5 picture labelling


Now head over to purple mash to do your quick write sentences activity.



Let’s recap counting back from 10.


Now complete the maths sheet -i-spy-number-9-and-10-activity-sheet-_ver_1


Year 1 & 2: To start with here is a flash back card to help you remember previously learnt skills and consolidate your learning. You can simply write down the answers to the 4 questions and send me a photo.


Now complete the following questions.  Don’t forget you can use the onscreen tools to write on screen and send a photo if that’s easier. I did a demo video on how to do this yesterday.

comparing lengths and height


Year 1&2 Click on the link to Play ‘spell tricky words’


DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY: We will begin this unit by exploring objects that can fly.

R – Draw and label objects that can fly.

Y1&2 Draw and label objects that can fly. Put into two groups labelled living and non living.