Class One Home Learning – Tuesday 23rd June

Happy Tuesday. Here are your home learning activities for today.


Phonics – Recap the phase 3 sounds from this video. complete the sound matching activity.-long-oo-short-oo-and-ar-sorting-cards-activity-

English – Today in class I will be talking through some photos from my holiday last Summer to the Farne Islands to see Grace Darling’s lighthouse. Have a look through the photos. Grace Darling visit Then complete the timeline activity. You may want to watch the video from yesterday again. (Do the 1 star version please)-grace-darling-differentiated-timeline-activity-_ver_2

Maths – Today can you make an outdoor clock. In class we are going to use chalks to write the numbers in a circle on the ground. Then we will find two different length sticks to be the minute and hour hands. Practise positioning the hands to tell the time to the o’clock

Understanding the world  – Explore this map or maps you have at home. Discuss where  the sea is and the land. Talk about why the Farnes are Islands. –,-1.6853699,14z Can you create an outdoor map with outdoor objects. Show where the beach is, the lighthouse and the islands etc.

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the true or false activity building on yesterday’s work on the prefix un. True-or-False-Activity-PREFIX UN

English – Today in class I will be talking through some photos from my holiday last Summer to the Farne Islands to see Grace Darling’s lighthouse. Have a look through the photos. Grace Darling visit Then complete the timeline activity. You may want to watch the video from yesterday again. (Do the 2star version please)-grace-darling-differentiated-timeline-activity-_ver_2

Maths – Today can you make an outdoor clock. In class we are going to use chalks to write the numbers in a circle on the ground. Then we will find two different length sticks to be the minute and hour hands. Practise positioning the hands to tell the time to the o’clock

History – With reference to the scenes in yesterday’s film of Grace Darling, how do you know this was an event in the past? Look at clothes and furniture etc. Write some sentences to explain.

Year 2 –

Building on yesterday’s work on words ending in le, complete the crossword.crossword words ending in le

English- Today in class I will be talking through some photos from my holiday last Summer to the Farne Islands to see Grace Darling’s lighthouse. Have a look through the photos. Grace Darling visit Then complete the timeline activity. You may want to watch the video from yesterday again. (Do the 2star version please)-grace-darling-differentiated-timeline-activity-_ver_2

Maths – Today can you make an outdoor clock. In class we are going to use chalks to write the numbers in a circle on the ground. Then we will find two different length sticks to be the minute and hour hands. Practise positioning the hands to tell the time to the o’clock

History – With reference to the scenes in yesterday’s film of Grace Darling, how do you know this was an event in the past? Look at clothes and furniture etc. Write some sentences to explain.