Class One Home Learning – Tuesday 7th July

Here are your home learning activities for today:


Phonics – Play read and race to practise using your phase 3 phonemes. ar, oi, oo, or, ur Read and Race

English – Re-cap the story of the snail and the whale. In the opening scene (The harbour) Can you write a list of adjectives to describe what it is like there. Think about what you can see, hear, feel if you were there or smell. Then write 2 sentences describing the scene using some of the adjectives you have chosen.

Maths – Adding coins to make a total. how-much-do-the-ice-creams-cost-activity-sheets-english_ver_4

Year 2:

Phonics – An activity to practise spelling common exception words. Mr whoops y2 Common Ex Activity 2

English – Re-cap the story of the snail and the whale. In the opening scene (The harbour) Can you write a list of adjectives to describe what it is like there. Think about what you can see, hear, feel if you were there or smell. Then write 2 paragraphs describing the scene using some of the adjectives you have chosen. Can you include verbs and adverbs to extend your sentences.

Maths – Can you draw coins to show different ways of making the same amount.adding money to make a total