Easter Home Learning Suggestions


As it is Easter…have lots of fun! Enjoy being together.


Below are some suggestions of things that you could do together:

Draw, colour in and cut out Easter eggs and rabbits. Use these to have an Easter hunt together.


Make some Easter nests to eat. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/shredded-wheat-nests


Here is a good page for other Easter treats that you can make together:  https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/fun-easter-projects-kids


Try this page for a variety of Easter crafts: https://www.babysavers.com/easter-crafts-for-preschoolers-and-toddlers/


I would love to see what you have done over the Easter break so feel free to send any photos through Class Dojo.


Happy Easter, Leanne.