Home Learning – 04.02.21

Good morning Class One. Thank you for sending through some excellent work yesterday.  Here are your tasks for today. Join me on Teams for a Maths intro, Reception at 10:00 and Years One/Two at 10:20.


Reception – today we are looking at the phoneme ar. (My throat hurt, I was in pain, ar, ar. My throat hurt, I was in pain, what did you try to say?).

Try combining yesterday’s phonics and today’s by writing the oo and ar words.


If you would like to, here’s a fun fishing game to play.

Pond Going Fishing! Fish Cut-Outs Going Fishing Teacher Instructions

Years One/Two – can you phoneme spot the ng words? Read the story carefully.

Go onto Phonics Play and click phase 5 tricky trucks to see if you can remember all the tricky words we have been learning.




Reception – Today we are going to look at adding numbers within 5.  Watch the Numberblocks and then try out my number sentences.


Early Addition within 5

Years One/Two – we are continuing in to compare objects within 50. Remember what each of these symbols mean < > =



Reception – Yesterday we drew the three bears in their chairs, can you draw them in their beds today and label them for me over on Purple Mash.

Years One/Two – please continue our story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Can we get up to the part where she goes upstairs to the bedroom. Please remember to use capital letters to start your sentences, leave finger spaces between words and full stops to end your sentences.  Year One try to use and to join sentences for me and Year Two try to include because in your writing.

Screen-free time

Attached are 20 different activities that you could choose from this afternoon.  I look forward to seeing what activity you spend your afternoon doing.  See if you can find time to share a book with your grown-up too. Maybe you could read a page of your book each?
