Home Learning – 05/06/20

Good morning. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. We had lots of fun in school though it was strange not to see all of your smiling faces!

Here are today’s activities:



Write instructions for how to make part of the lighthouse keepers lunch. Watch the story again to help you. Remember to use bossy words!


Have a go at this positional drawing.



Have a go at making an origami boat. There are loads of tutorials on youtube so you could try making more than one version.  Decorate your boat to make it colourful and maybe even give it a name.  Don’t forget to send me your work!

Year One


Write instructions for how to make part of the lighthouse keepers lunch. Watch the story again to help you. Remember to use bossy words and to use ‘and’ to join your sentences together.


Can you follow the directions and find the pirate’s things?

maths year one


Have a go at making an origami boat. There are loads of tutorials on youtube so you could try making more than one version.  Decorate your boat to make it colourful and maybe even give it a name.  Don’t forget to send me your work!

Year Two


Write instructions for how to make part of the lighthouse keepers lunch. Watch the story again to help you. Remember to use bossy words and to use joining word like ‘and’.


Can you follow the directions and find the pirate’s things? Remember which way clockwise and anti-clockwise go!

maths year two


Have a go at making an origami boat. There are loads of tutorials on youtube so you could try making more than one version.  Decorate your boat to make it colourful and maybe even give it a name.  Don’t forget to send me your work!