Home Learning 06.01.21

Good morning class 2.

I hope you are all well and have had a good holiday? Today we will be having a Teams meeting at 10.30, where I am looking forward to hearing about what you have done over the holidays. Your work for today is set out below. If you are having any difficulty with logins please message me on dojo. I look forward to seeing you all at 10.30. If you are unable to attend the meeting for any reason please let me know.

By the end of the day, could you please submit your maths work, and your English mind map. I also look forward to receiving an e mail from you as part of your computing task. You can submit your work by either taking a photograph and sending it to me via class dojo, or by attaching it to the email that you send me. I will speak to you all shortly.


Can you please spend 15 minutes on Times Table rockstars. Can you challenge a friend to a game?

We will follow the White Rose scheme of work. Please follow the links below to  a video and the activity sheets and answers.

Year 3

Spr3.1.1 – Consolidate 2 4 and 8 times-tables from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

wed 06.01.21 Y3–Answer sheet

wed 6.01.21 Y3-question sheet


Year 4

Spr4.1.1 – 11 and 12 times-table from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

wed 6.01.21 Y4–Answer sheet.

wed 6.01.21 Y4–question sheet

Year 5

Spr5.1.1 – Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

wed 6.01.21 Y5- Answer sheet

wed 6.01.21 Y5-Question sheet


Tomorrow we will ask you to write a recount of you Christmas holidays. Today, you will collect ideas and start to plan what you hope to include. Please use the following mind map.

Recount planning Christmas



Can you play the following game to revise different word classes?


Can you please choose a book to read on Fiction Express. I would like you to read the first chapter of your book.


Over the next few weeks we will be starting looking at rocks. Today I will like you to start to think about the properties of rocks. Can you please collect some different rocks from your garden or while you are walking. Study your rock samples. Get to know how it looks and feels; its colour, its texture (roughness/ smoothness), its hardness or crumbliness, any speckles or glittering. Can you divide your rocks into groups- e.g. the rocks that are crumbly/speckled.

Now can you draw your different rocks. Use pastels/pencils or wax crayons to draw each rock.  Look very closely at the rock and choose your colours  to make your drawing as realistic as possible. For example-

Now can you write a description of your rock.

Here is an example of a good description of a  rock:
‘This rock is mostly grey with patches of tiny white crystals. It has a rough and dusty texture’.

Please use the sheet below to draw your rocks or you could use some plain paper if you prefer.

rock observations


Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking at online communication including emails, websites and blogging.

For your first task, can you explore the BBC website about online communication. Then I would like you to remind yourselves about how to send an email. Can you please log in to your e mail account and send me an e mail? I would like to hear about what you have done over the Christmas holidays. You can also tell me about the work that you have completed today and anything that you have enjoyed.