Home learning – 08.12.21

Good morning, hope you are all okay this morning. Here is your home learning for today:


Reception – make an obstacle course and see how long it takes you to complete it. Can anyone else in your family complete it? Are they quicker or slower than you are? Maybe you can make a chart to see who comes first, second and third in your family?

Year One – watch the video on recognising coins. What coins do we have? Can you draw them? Maybe you have some coins at home that you can look at?



Year Two – today we are counting money in pence (so up to £1). Maybe you have some coins at home that you can look at to help you remember them all?


PHONICS – go onto Oxford Owl

Reception – read Sun Hat Fun

Year One – read What is That?

Year Two – Read Horses and write four factual sentences about the book.



Watch the videos below:



Make a poster about reducing, reusing and recycling.