Home Learning – 24.02.21

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a lovely week off from school and are ready for lots more learning with our new Flight topic for this half term? Here is today’s home learning.


Reception – Teams meeting with Mrs Whitehouse at 9:15am

Years One/Two – Teams meeting with Mrs Bickerstaffe at 9:15am


Reception – lets start with a numbers story – How do Dinosaurs count to Ten?

Can you count to ten?  Grab some blocks (if you have any) and see if you can make a tower of ten of them.  Can you find different sized blocks to make a taller tower, or a shorter tower?  How many blocks do you have in different colours? What is the tallest tower you can possibly make? Remember you don’t have to use building blocks but anything that can stack safely on top of each other!

Years One/Two– today we are looking at both length and height. Watch the videos below and then have a go at the worksheets I’ve added. (Bonus dojo points if you can spot the spelling error)!

Year One worksheet


Year Two worksheet

year 2 wed


Whole Class – This week we are going to be starting our Bookfest work that I mentioned last half term.  Today we are going to be learning more about our author Mo O’Hara.  Use the attached sheet as a template and try to find out more about her using the internet.  I wonder if you will find out any interesting facts about her life?


author fact file


Our topic for this half term is Down in the Garden.


Reception – label a flower and a tree. Use the worksheets below to help you or draw your own flower and tree.

label flower eyfs

eyfs tree

Years One/Two – today I would like you to draw a labelled diagram of a plant and a tree including a detailed picture of the leaf growing on it. Make sure you use the right colours for your illustrations and draw straight lines from each part for your labels.

Guided Reading

Reception – today’s book is Spots. Have a go at the activities linked to the book when you have finished reading. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.


Year One – today’s book is Everyone Got Wet. Read through the text and then have a go at the activities. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.


Year Two – today’s book is The Big Breakfast. Read through the text and then have a go at the activities. This is quite a long book so read half of it today and do activity one, and then read the second half tomorrow.
