Home Learning Tasks – 03/06/20

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all okay and have had a nice half term?  I’m looking forward to seeing some of you again tomorrow in Class One where we will continue the same learning that I’m setting on here.  Today’s learning tasks focus on the story The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch which you can watch here:




Watch the video above and draw and label a picture of Hamish in your home learning book.  Think about what colour and size he is.


Draw a bush in the middle of a piece of paper. Draw a lion next to the bush, a mouse underneath the bush and a cheetah in front of the bush. Draw a zebra behind the bush (you might just be able to see his tail poking out) and a parrot on top of the bush.


Find out about a lighthouse; maybe one near you.  (There’s one at Talacre). Can you write when it was built and draw a picture of it. Can you find out why we have lighthouses?


Year One


Watch the video above.

Complete the reading comprehension on lighthouses.

Lower Ability


Have a try at making the animals turn clockwise and anticlockwise. If you don’t want to cut and stick the pictures, you can draw them yourselves in your home learning book.

maths year one


Find out about a lighthouse; maybe one near you.  (There’s one at Talacre). Can you write about it and draw a picture of it. Can you find out why we have lighthouses?

Year Two


Watch the video above.

Complete the reading comprehension on lighthouses.

Higher Ability


Write some sentences using the pictures and words below to explain what you can see. Remember to write in full sentences.

position year 2


Find out about a lighthouse, maybe one near you. (There’s one at Talacre). Can you write about it and draw a picture of it. Can you find out why we have lighthouses?