Home Learning Tasks Monday 23rd March

Hello Class 2. I hope you have had a good weekend. Please find today’s learning tasks below. Happy learning.

Maths Task: In your home learning packs you should find a maths task like the ones below with today’s date. There is a link above the bronze and silver task and above the gold and platinum task to give you some information about the area of maths that you are looking at. Please complete in your yellow books with lined pages.

(2) Measuring in cm y3

Finding fractions of quantities


English Task: Please complete in your yellow book with lined pages.

Making our writing more interesting 23.03.20

Topic Task: Can you please complete a KWL chart about the Titanic. Please fill in column one – what you already know and column two – what you would like to know about it. Leave column three blank for now. You can stick this into your yellow book with the plain pages.

TitanicThemedKWLChart (1)

What something extra?

Play this homophone matching game.