Monday 11/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the sun! I would love to see photos of what you did over the weekend.

Here are today’s suggested activities:


Listen to the story ‘Don’t Worry, Little Crab’ on Cbeebies (the link is below):


In the story there is a big crab and a little crab. Look around your house and find four sets of objects. For each set you need two of each in different sizes. See below for an example:


Once you have found all of your objects (they can be anything, you just need two of them) put each set in order of smallest to biggest). Encourage your child to use words such as smaller or bigger. If they need an extension on this try the activity with three objects in each set to make it trickier.




For phonics today, it is a really fun one. This activity is taken from the Letters and Sounds document:


It is called ‘Enlivening stories’:
Involve your child in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated sounds, for example acting out ‘Humpty Dumpty….’ Use your bodies to help make the sounds suggested below.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).



For some of your daily exercise, have a go at this Moana dance.


Have a lovely day and hopefully the sun will be back today!
