Monday 27/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone. I hope that you had a lovely weekend! Welcome back to our second week of the Summer Term.


We will continue our topic of ‘Seaside’.

When we go to the seaside we usually enjoy different foods (especially if the sun is shining!) What would you eat and drink if you were at the seaside? In your purple sketch book you could draw or paint pictures of what you would eat at the seaside. If you have the boxes or wrappers of some items you could stick these into your sketch books too. When you have done this see if you can make your own ice lolly. Below is a link to show you how you could make one yourself.

Another easy way to make an ice lolly would also be to use squash or juice and then put it into an appropriate container before freezing.


For phonics today it is a noisy one!! Find some beaters (two wooden spoons will do) and use them to bang on different objects or items. Can you make it quieter or louder? Can you do it slower or faster? What objects make the best noise?


What does a rectangle look like? Can you find any in your house / garden? In your purple sketch book draw what you find. Are the rectangles all the same size?


Today’s Makaton sign is ‘beach’. Practice signing this at home.


Don’t forget to send photos to Class Dojo. It’s really nice to see what you have been up to.
