Nursery Home Learning Suggested Activities 8th of January 2021


Good morning everyone!

So, it’s Friday and we have come to the end of the first week of Home Learning. I hope you have enjoyed it so far!

Today’s Flexi Fingers activity (to help develop fine motor skills) is to find some sand or soil (pop it in a tray if you can) and use your finger to make different marks e.g a line or a squiggle. Could you write your name in it too?

Follow this link to learn this song ‘My Dog Ben’

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Today, let’s look at shape. Can you find any objects that are a circle? Take some photos or draw some. I would love to see your drawings!

Take a look on the stories on Class Dojo. There is a follow up phonics video on the sound ‘k’ and a story.

I hope you enjoy them!


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll be back on Monday with some more activities.

