Thursday 23/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello! I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities. Did you all have a go at  practicing the Makaton sign for sunglasses? Here are some activities for today:


We packed a bag yesterday for a holiday but how can we get there? Can you please look at some different modes of transport (using books or the internet) and then using junk box items (e.g. yoghurt pots, food boxes etc) make a model of the vehicle which will get you there.


For phonics could you please listen to Jolly Phonics Phase One on YouTube and learn the song for the first sound of your name, for example if your name is Bob listen to all of the Jolly Phonics songs and then go back and learn the song for ‘b’. It would be great to see some videos! When you have done this grab a pot of water and a paintbrush and practice drawing the first sound in your name on your path / wall (anywhere that will show up with water).


In your purple sketch book can you please draw a circle and then go on a circle hunt in your house and garden. If you find any objects with circles draw these in your book too.


For some fun physical movement try this out. Follow this link:

and join in with ‘Under the sea’ from the Little mermaid. It looks like great fun!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.