Tuesday 05/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed making the bunting yesterday.


Today we are carrying on with preparations for a V.E day celebration.  75 years ago a popular treat was apple crumble. Do you like apple crumble? Below is a list of ingredients that are needed for apple crumble. Please draw the ingredients for the list. If you want to copy some of the ingredient words as well that would be great! Please use your purple sketch book for this.

Ingredients: apples, water, plain flour, unsalted butter, brown sugar



For phonics please practice drawing the following sounds:

s    a   t    p    i    n    m

Now find one object for each sound e.g snake for s, apple for a. Which is your favourite object that you found? Can you draw it?



For a physical activity today make some space in your garden and see how many laps you can do in one minute. Try one minute of running, one minute of hopping and then some other things. Which is the easiest way to do the most laps? Maybe you could have a competition with somebody at home?!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.