Wednesday 22/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello again! I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine still. Below are some activities to do today.


We are thinking about the seaside so today have a think about what you would take on holiday. Look around your house to help you. You could even pack them in a bag or suitcase to see if everything fits in! When you have done this draw a picture of a suitcase or bag in your purple sketch book (use a double page if you need to) and then draw some of the things that you have decided to take on holiday.


For phonics today I would like you to go into your garden and sit quietly and close your eyes for a moment. Think about what you can hear – can you hear a dog or a door shutting? See if you can make any of those noises yourself!


Go into your garden and find some interesting stones. Nursery leavers – guess how many there are and then count them. Now draw the stones in your purple sketch book and then draw the numeral relating to the amount you have found. How many are there if you take one / two away? Younger children – guess how many stones there are and then count them. Next draw them in your book.


As we are thinking about going on holiday and what we should pack see if you can sign ‘sunglasses’ in Makaton. Below is the symbol for sunglasses with a picture to help you sign it. Send a video of you doing it to Class Dojo.




I hope you have fun doing these activities and keep sending photos and videos. I love seeing what you are doing and which activities you like the most.

