Class 2 Home Learning Friday 05.03.21

Good morning Class 2

We will be having a Teams meeting at 10 o’clock for the whole class. Please have a piece of paper and a pen ready for our meeting.

Please send me your work via Dojo or email..

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.



To start, you can spend 20 minutes on TT rockstars.

Year 3

Spr3.8.2 – Add lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check you answers on the answer sheet.

Year 4

Spr4.8.4 – Calculate quantities from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can check your answers on the answer sheet.

Year 5

Spr5.8.4 – Multiply non-unit fractions by an integer from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, you can complete the worksheet.

You can then check your answers on the answer sheet.


English – Continuing with World Book Day activities

Choose an audio book from the young fiction section. Here is the link.

Audio book activity



I would like you to read the next chapter of your book on Fiction Express. If you have decided to create a free account and chosen a book from the Oxford Owl website, I would also like you to read the next chapter of your book.



This week we will be looking at the next stage of the Stone Age. The middle section of the stone age is called the Mesolithic era.

You can watch this video which explains how hard life was for the Hunter-Gatherers.

Next, you can watch video. It will explain your activity for today.


Year 3 Mesolithic instructions task

Year 4 and 5 Mesolithic instructions task



Your choices for PE today