04/02/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!! I hope you are having a good week so far!


For Flexi Fingers this morning, grab some pipe cleaners or string and a colander. Now push the pipe cleaners / string through the holes in the colander.



Make some Where the Wild Things Are feet!

Where The Wild Things Are & Monster Activities for Kids | Alpha MomYou will need at least two differently coloured cards, scissors, glue and any other craft materials you would like to make the feet look furry.

On one of your coloured pieces of card draw a big monster foot template and then cut it out. As illustrated in the picture cut a little arch to fit your feet through. Now cut some triangles for toenails and glue them on. Add the other craft bits.

Now see if you can move around the room like a Wild Thing!!


Go to Class Dojo for a story and a Beat Baby activity.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.