05/03/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning. So, we are back to Friday and we will be seeing each other next week. How exciting!


Today is the start of British Science Week so for the last day of home learning have some fun. The following activity will help with your fine motor skills and is a really fun activity. Have a look at Crunchy Architecture You Can Eat.

BSQ_BSW_PACKS_1120_EY_v14.pdf (britishscienceweek.org)



Go outside and find some mud, sand or soil and a stick. What shapes can you make in the sand?

See the source imageCan you make any of these shapes? A triangle or a circle?



For our Phonics activity have a go at this animal activity on Phonics Play.

Welcome To The Zoo (phonicsplay.co.uk)


Go to Class Dojo’s for our daily story.


Have a lovely weekend. Beat Baby and I look forward to seeing you next week.
