09/02/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning!


To warm your hands up have a go at this play dough action song. ‘I like to’ playdough action song – YouTube.


For our Phonics today we will use an activity from the Letters and Sounds document. You will need some musical instruments. If you don’t have any it’s super easy to make your own or use kitchen utensils as instruments e.g. a wooden spoon and saucepan.

Aspect 2: General sound discrimination –
instrumental sounds: Tuning into Sounds.

Adjust the volume:

Sit opposite your child with identical instruments. Ask them to copy making loud sounds and quiet sounds.
Use cues e.g. cards or hand gestures to represent loud or quiet (e.g. a megaphone,
puppet of a lion; a finger on the lips, puppet of a mouse).


For some number fun today we are going to do some Chinese numerals. Use this sheet to help you and get some red and black paint and do your own.

Image result for chinese new year numbers


Don’t forget to head over to Class Dojo’s for our daily story.

I have also scheduled a Teams meeting for today at 11:45am. It would be great to see you and don’t forget to bring one of your favourite objects to it!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.