20/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!

To get your fingers warmed up, choose your favourite jigsaw and see if you can put it all together!


For another activity, use play dough with jungle animals. You can press the jungle animals into the play dough to see if they make any marks. Turn the animal over in the play dough and see what other prints you can make. Can you make your own animal using play dough? How many legs will you need?


For some Maths fun, have a look and see what you have at home e.g. duplo, lego or wooden blocks and use them to make a pattern. Can you make red, blue, red, blue?


Take a look at this for some phonics fun! You will love the different sounds.

Sound Starters (phonicsplay.co.uk)


Check out Class Dojo’s stories for story time.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.